Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Tchüß Österreich Hallo Stuttgart...Schon Wieder

    So in our mission we have this phrase called the Stuttgart curse, meaning that if you serve in the Stuttgart zone once, then you are bound to return at some point! Well because   I was born there (my first area), my trainer said someday I would return...  Sister Whiting, you were right, but I am so excited to see how it has changed and to go somewhere somewhat familiar!! 

German class:
    We have started teaching some people German. Last month on Monday we met with three people whom we had found through finding that need to learn German! It was a challenge the first day, but we met one of them again yesterday and he told us, "It is easy to talk to you in German, but I can't talk to other people." So we had him talk to us and practice and then we turned him into a little "missionary" and went finding. We stopped people on the street and just asked if he could practice his German with them. It was so cute, he was really nervous but he was able to talk to two people before we had to go!! 

* It is people like our German friend that make the little things so much fun and makes it sad that it is those people we will not see again in this life after we leave the area. But we can hope that we made a difference

    We had Tausch or exchange with the sisters in Innsbruck, and it was so much fun! Unfortunately we got tied up... before we were supposed to go to Innsbruck so we had to catch the later train but it worked and it was so much fun!! We went finding and did a survey that they had created and then got ice cream as a break. I got to see the beautiful Innsbruck and go to Institute (a program to learn more from the scriptures for young adults, college age) and meet the members! 

    We also had a Tausch or exchange with the sisters in Wels, and I got to exchange with the golden!! It was so much fun!! We did a little finding on the bus and some finding on the street to catch our train! We went home and made tacos!! It was fun!!  She is super cute and loves the gospel so much. Her sweet golden spirit is really inspiring! I am grateful I could work with her!! 

    On Friday we went by on every less-active member in a part of Salzburg called Hallein!!! We went with the Senior Couple and it was so much fun!! We were supposed to have an appointment with one of them, but he didn't answer his door so... It was good to work through the ward list and to make it a little easier for the next round of missionaries! 

 Transfer Calls: 
    In case you hadn't figured it out by the title because it is in German, I am going to Stuttgart, Germany and will be finishing up my companion’s training, I am super excited!!! 

     We had a ton of really great appointments this week, one with our investigator and her daughter. We just had a relaxed dinner and shared a thought on church! 
     We also had an appointment with a less-active and ended up playing with her children for a couple of hours. She was there and watching, so it was okay :) It was really fun and made me excited to play with children after my mission.
     An American member invited us over for Family Home Evening last night and it was so much fun to talk in English and to have a relaxing, fun night!! They are so sweet!! 

 Trusting the Lord:
    This week we had testimonies in our district meeting from those who are leaving, and I really liked what one of the zone leaders said. He talked about trusting in the Lord and truly relying on Him, when we mess up. He told us don't panic when you feel like your faith is weakening or you made a mistake or you are feeling down. Just trust in the Lord, then go to the Lord with a plan of trying to get back where you want to be! Always remember where you want to be going. If you need to, write it down! That was answer to my prayers. I feel often we panic when we feel we are backtracking, and then fear takes charge and that is the opposite of productive. Trust in the Lord. Lean on Him. Learn of Him and set goals to answer plans with Him! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission 


Our water bottles
Our district minus the senior couple
A cool building in Bad Reichenhall 
A famous golden roof in Innsbruck


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