Thursday, May 18, 2017

When Harold blocks the WiFi

Title: We had WiFi problems this week... 😕 with four missionaries Skyping at the same time...

Hello Friends!!

So much happened this week so hold on!

Last Interviews with President: 
It was way fun to talk to President face to face, he seems very relaxed. It is amazing to how much faith and trust he has in the Lord! We are currently facing visa problems with Austria, but he trusts the Lord will work it out according to His will! He gave some really good advice about making finding creative and about just speaking the language! I felt so good after the interview, President really is so amazing. It will be sad to see him leave in July! 🙂

Tausch (Exchange): 
We got to do an exchange, and a sister from Klagenfurt came up and spent all of Friday with me! We had an amazing lesson with a person we met on the street a few days previous! He wants to have a stronger belief and trust in Jesus Christ! It was really cool!! It was a party to hang out with Sister Harrick; she is super cute, and so much fun!! We also ran into two sweet tourists who recognized us and stopped and talked with us. They even offered to buy us dinner if we didn't have an appointment. It was so nice of them! We run into a bunch of Mormon tourists here and it is so fun to see where they are from and talk for a few minutes! 😛

Mothers Day:
We had a billion and one visitors at church and we used every single working translating box! Sister McClellan and I started translating  (mostly Sister McClellan), but then we had to help get people more translators and fix the ones that weren't working so the Elders took over. It was crazy. Many people don't know that we have translation, so one couple came over and they looked American, but I wasn't quite sure, so I went over and asked if they wanted the English class translation, and they said yes. It is so important to be able to understand the church service!! We then got to plan Zone Training with the Elders! And the best part of the whole day was Skyping with my family!!! It was really refreshing!! Just what I needed!! 💟

Zone Training:
We had the last Zone Training (in the future zone trainings will be different). It was so much fun to plan it with the Zone Leaders and to have the chance see it come together into a really good presentation! Elder S. spoke about faith and repentance in Jesus Christ. Then Sister M. and I spoke about  humility and what it is and what it is not. Then we did a discussion on Scripture Study and Adjusting our Teaching!! It went really well, our zone was amazing at contributing and participating!! 😎

Eagles Nest/Königsee:
For P-Day today we did a trip to the Eagles Nest with the senior couple! It is where Hitler kept his mistress and was a secondary command post for the Nazi party. He only went a few times up there but it was really interesting to see it and it go through the museum and bunker at the bottom. You can see so much from the top, including the German Alps, Königssee (Kings Lake) and the beautiful German towns! It was a beautiful hike. I highly recommend it!! We also went down to just see Königssee. At some point we want to go out on the boat, but today we got some really pretty pictures! It is a beautiful turquoise lake, it is so clear! 🌞

Pictures of beautiful Austria and Germany attached:

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 😁
Alpenländische Mission

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