Sunday, June 11, 2017

Who is the trainer here?

Hello all of my favorite people!! 

Transfer Day:
So transfers are always an adventure. We rode to Munich and dropped some people off.      I saw a bunch of people I hadn't seen in forever and then we got on a new train with different people and went to Stuttgart!! I got to see Sister Howsmon for the first time since we left Munich 9 months ago. 
My Golden: 
She comes from the wonderful land of Utah and is super bubbly but totally cool at the same time. She loves to eat in general but especially ice cream (my mom will like her 😉). She loves everything and really has no favorites or strong display likes; she is really indecisive when it comes to things like what is your favorite color. Ha ha!!! She lives her life at a steady high, it's great!!

Gemeinde Stuttgart:
I love the ward here!! It's so great!!! The Spirit was so strong in sacrament meeting!! I am so excited to work here! I bore my testimony in sacrament meeting. I don't know what I said, but they asked me to speak next week. That will be exciting. We also gave a lesson on Alma 32. I highly suggest reading it! We also got to help out in Primary. That was so much fun!! 
We have a street display every Saturday, and it is so much fun!! I got to do finding with my MTC companion. That was really fun to do missionary work in the real world for the first time with her!! My golden went out finding with the other golden. They are so AMAZING!! 
Our District is our entire area. We have four missionaries in the International Ward and four in the German ward!! The Distrikt Leader is the Elder Stephenson. He and his wife are the senior couple. He is military, so district meetings run very smoothly. It's great!! I love everyone's comments!!! I learned so much!! 😊
I am loving the mission, and learning everyday about how I want to improve and become the person the Lord wants me to be! My testimony is strengthened. My companion has taught me so much about fearing and loving the Lord! She is an amazing example to me!! 
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 😁
Alpenländische Mission


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