Wednesday, May 3, 2017

300 Days a Missionary

That's right, it has been 300 days since I was set apart and left on a plane! Crazy!! 

Stories from this past week... hmmm.... well it snowed, ha ha. Yay, and we were up in the mountains that day on the outskirts of our area visiting a less active member and doing some dooring. It was a fun adventure 

We almost had a Persian Skype lesson, but you will have to wait until next week for that story! #gospelaroundtheworld

We had a few lessons with some less-actives and a few with our investigators and a member lesson! It was a good week, just the weather was all over the place, which is hard to deal with when you are out in it all day. But hey that's missionary work.  One of our less-actives is so cute. We visited her this week, and she said that she had read 5 pages every day since our last appointment. Oh Mensch, she is so cool!!! One of our investigators told us she believes the Church is true!!! Hopefully a baptismal date will soon follow! Our other investigator is doing better as well. She is trying so hard to know.  It is admirable!!! We also visited a JAE (YSA, so someone our age), and it was so much fun to talk about books and movies. She has seen a difference between German and English! #denglischforlife

So today for our P-day we went on a boat ride up the Salzach to a castle called Hellbrunn and on the boat ride up we were surrounded by middle school French students. I asked where they were from, but they didn't understand except "France?"   We took a tour around Hellbrunn! It was so much fun!! They have trick fountains as you take a tour around the grounds and you get all wet, ha ha. So much fun!!! The guy was speaking five different languages!! Then we saw the beautiful gardens and inside the beautiful Hellbrunn castle!! The pictures show better!! 

Miracles still happen today!! We had 5 MIRACLES just today! We made our train when time said that it probably wasn't likely. Then even though we took a different train than we wanted, we still made it to the boat place on time. Then the lady was given permission to let us go on the boat even though they were booked. The rain stayed away all day and we found an Arabic Book of Mormon at the church because we forgot one!!! The Lord still blesses us! 

I know that this gospel is true and that the Lord really is preparing His children, our friends and family to hear it. If we pray for the opportunity to serve and help others, we will be given that opportunity! Stay strong everyone! See you on the flip side!

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

1) a panorama of the gardens
2) Hellbrunn itself
3) some of the fountains
4) me next to the first fountain
5) a room inside Hellbrunn
6) our London double decker bus that took us back to Salzburg!


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