Sunday, May 14, 2017

It's gonna be okay 🎶

No matter what they say, it's gonna be okay 🎶🎶🎶

This week was so much fun, a little all over the place but fun!!

A Little Help Along the Way
This week we had an appointment with one of our investigators who is going through some hard things, trying to find faith in God and the courage to keep going even when answers seem to never come! I hope that if you are also going through a similar thing, you take heart and remember that the Lord works on His time table. Mosiah 24:9-16!!! 

A Trip Back in Time
On Thursday we visited a member who is elderly, which prevents her from going to church. But she is so cute and loves company. She was telling us of all of these stories from World War II because she grew up during it!! She told us of how the police would come and check every night and they had to line up to get salted fish. She told us a funny story of how she and some friends thought a green beans truck had Jews  in it so they stopped it and broke in--to let the Jews free, except there were none, just green beans. So they ate the green beans instead because they were hungry! She also told us how her husband died in the war, and she was left to raise eight children. And she didn't know anything except she had a book! 😄 It was way cute!! 

Reuniting in München 
We and the Elders went to a meeting in München, and it is really amazing to be able to hear from President and to be able to see friends you haven't seen in awhile! (Sister Rasmussen is so cute. 😉) We stayed in a hostel and the food was so good!! There were three other people from my MTC group there! That was super fun!!! I felt like I learned so much, I am excited to take it back and apply it!! 
Picture attached

Our Adventures with the Young at Heart
On Saturday we had an appointment with another one of our investigators, and it was so cute! She was telling us about her family, and at one point she called her granddaughter, and we talked to her. 😂 That was really fun (the granddaughter is a member and is leaving for her mission soon too). She gave us cake and laughed at us as we couldn't decide on tea or hot chocolate! She fixed my hair and brushed my companion's Ha ha! I couldn't stop laughing! She also showed us family picture books and explained her family to us! She is super cute!! We did get to share about the restoration a little, and she had some questions about life and the Plan of Salvation, so we left her a Book of Mormon (she didn't know where her other copy was 🤔). And we hope to explain more next time!!

Moldy bread and Nutella 
**So many of you may know, getting VISA's in foreign countries is not easy. For an American it is practically impossible, so we are only allowed to go for 90 days at a time, but now Austria has created some kind of law that is creating a similar ruling: if the law is not changed, missionaries who do not already have a visa will only be able to stay for 90 days. So as a mission we were fasting to help the Church attorneys and those involved to be able to get this rendered as quickly as possible.** So we were fasting on Sunday for that and we decided to also do some studies after church, and then the Matthews called and invited us over for dinner because we didn't have any with us. When we called to say we were on our way, Elder Matthews said they ate all of our food and they only had moldy bread, so Sister M. asked if he could warm it up and put Nutella on it for us 😂. We had fish and it was really good!!

Finding the Four Leaf Clover
President Kohler sends out these amazing emails every week about something totally normal and ordinary, but he thinks so deeply about it and finds the coolest connection to the gospel. For example this past week he connected cobblestones to keeping the commandments. Yesterday, on the way home from finding, we realized right by Bahnhof is a clover patch, and we looked and FOUND 4 FOUR-LEAF CLOVERS! We realized it was like Missionary work. Our job is to search and find those ready for the Gospel. Every four-leaf clover looks a little different. One had a piece torn and another was bent, but they all are special because they are four-leaf clovers. The elect are the same way; they may not look like they would accept the gospel but they are ready to change their lives! 
We need to be looking for those who we may not recognize! Find those four-leaf clovers!!!

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 😁
Alpenländische Mission

A baby pineapple
The beautiful area while visiting a friend
MTC reunion
Our young at heart friend trying to block the picture
First in the 4-leaf clovers  

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