Thursday, May 25, 2017

Epic Pictures and Cute People

Gute Morgen von Österreich!

So this is the last week of the transfer Who knows where I will be going next or if I will stay :) We will see on Saturday!! 

We were pretty busy this week with appointments and Tausch (exchange). I got to go to Linz and work with a Sister from my MTC group!! It was fun to talk and catch up on what has happened since we both left München nine months ago!!! That is crazy! Tausching is so much fun!! 

We got to do a "walking" appointment with a less active where we took her for a walk and then sat in the park and read in the Book of Mormon! It was a good opportunity to get her out of her house and some fresh air! She is so sweet and knows all the right answers. Ha ha. Her faith is really so strong!!
We also met with another member who can't go to church but is so strong. She asked us,
if next time we could call the Church distribution for her (because we speak English) and order some things for her! 

We had a Buch Mormon lesson with our investigator! We just read where she left off and it was great to be relaxed and just answer questions for her! 

There was a stake Schwester Tag (Sister Day) where they had workshops and food. We weren't able to go all day but we went for a couple of hours, and it was really fun! The workshop we went to was on self-confidence. Because it was in German I took a bunch of pictures and will translate it later for language study. Ha ha!! 

Faith= Action Faith is acting on the hope that something is true. When you act, then your faith comes and you can know that it is true! How amazing is that? We can build our faith by small acts! It's not complicated, but it is necessary! Keep doing the small things: reading, praying, serving others, participating in church, and you will be amazed at how fast your faith grows! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

there is a path on the way home from town that is a dirt path and it looked so pretty, so we decided to take some epic pictures and then we saw a gnome on the way to our train...


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