Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wie sagt man kleines Hund?

Hallo Freunde,

So the title translates to: How do you say small dog? We were looking for the German word for puppy but our cute nine-year-old investigator looks at us and says uh Chihuahua... so funny!!!

This week we had transfers, but nothing is going to change here in Salzburg! We do have a new district leader, which is fun. We were able to talk in Distrikt Meeting yesterday about our areas and ask for any help we needed. It was cool.

We had a Musikalischer Abend on Saturday night (music night) it was a program created by a missionary in Switzerland (see Hopefully it is in English, ha ha. Basically it is a program with songs sung live (by members of the ward) and a video that is played. It is a story of a dad and his daughter, and his daughter asks him to read her this story book. And through the book he also starts to think about how to find God. And he finds it through the Book of Mormon and praying to know if it is true!!! It was really well done and professional!! I want to do the same thing back home but it is auf Deutsch. Ha ha.

Earlier on Saturday we had a lesson with our new investigator and we weren't sure if his mother language was Persian or Arabic, so we brought both. He was Persian, but we still had the Arabic one at the Musikalischer Abend, and a nonmember came and wanted a Book of Mormon from the program, and his mother language was Arabic!!! It was a miracle!!

We have two new investigators this week and two progressing investigators and we have started working with two less active members and we had two member appointments where we asked them to pick something off the list we had that they could do this week to be a member missionary! I guess this week was full of 2's haha! 

As a short spiritual thought this week, remember to doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith! The Lord has provided us with so much and He loves us so much, He wants us to rely on Him, and to keep going too. We can do anything through prayer. Have patience, trust and hope in the Lord, and then act on that hope! You can do it!! 

Today my companion bought a dirndl!! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 
Alpenländische Mission

1. It snowed this week
2. A picture of a cool door (#lionsarecool)
3. Elder Jensen's response when we told him we had 2 new investigators found through streeting (it says "we are proud of you")
4. A really pretty dog
5. We had to go further into Germany for my companion's visa 


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