Tuesday, January 31, 2017

🚄 Nach Salzburg 🚄

This week....
Transfer Calls, Tausch and World Wide Missionary Broadcast!!! 

We also Tausched with the Singen Sisters, and it was fun to work with another wonderful golden!! She is so funny! I love tausching and will miss it next transfer when I am not an STL anymore. 

World Wide Missionary Broadcast.... It was amazing to hear from the General Authorities answering questions that a bunch of missionaries have and to hear their advice and encouragement. Missionary work is amazing and they talked about our purpose: teach repentance and baptize converts. Plus it may have been cheesy the way they did it, but it was cool to see the inside of the office buildings where the General Authorities work. 

So you may have heard some changes were made to our schedules. Before we had a very strict schedule: work out from 6:30ish for a half hour, then personal scripture study at 8, companion scripture study at 9, language at 10, and then training (if applicable) at 11. Then lunch and proselyting from 12-21:30.  NOW our schedule is exercise, get ready, an hour of personal study, and a half hour of planning—whenever we feel works best before 10. Then from 10-21 we do lunch, dinner, proselyting, companion study, language study, etc. And we can go to bed between 9:30 and 10:30. This schedule allows us to have more freedom and flexibility but also requires more planning and diligence. 

From the Broadcast, the theme that I felt impressed the most by was how much the Lord trusts us as missionaries. He is now allowing us to decide how we will us our time, which of course some people could waste time more easily this way, but I feel like the Lord is saying, I trust you! I think it was shown pretty obviously this week with the missionaries but the Lord trusts us all as well, He has sent us here to learn and to grow, trusting that we will search for the truth, experiment on His word and then when we find the truth, hold fast to it. I know that the Lord trusts us to use His time wisely, to earnestly come to know Him. I invite you all this week to do something to come to know HIM better this week, maybe you haven't prayed in a while or read in the scriptures or served someone. Anything good is of Him.
I heard everyone guessed Austria but I was skeptical because of legal issues going from Switzerland to Austria but I will be living in Germany and serving in Austria because I am headed to Salzburg!!! I am so excited because my new companion was companions with my mom, Sister Whiting, and Salzburg is where Sister Whiting was "born" (her first area), so I am super excited!! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

note from Sister Anderson's mom:
"Casey wanted me to add that she did get to go to the temple Saturday and she thanks everyone for your prayers and positive thoughts.  She had a great time and is grateful that everything worked out."

Us and Schaffhausen sisters at Zone Conference  (where we watched the broadcast)
Sister Heller made heart spaghetti
Sister Heller, Martina and I played basketball today for P-day. 

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