Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Another week in Paradise

Hello world,

It seems like forever since I last wrote to you all probably because last week was so short... 

We also Tausched with Freiburg this week, and it was so much fun because we did a super tausch—four Sisters in one Apartment, PARTY!!! 

Last night I had my last dinner with the wonderful Familie Wenczels and friends so we took a picture, natürlich. 

So this week we helped out with a PV Aktivität (Primary activity for the 8-11 year olds). We decided to make them missionaries!!!! We had them write their names down and give it to President Monson (me with his picture in front of my face) and then we gave them calls and Books of Mormon in German and their mission language. Then we did Exercise and Personal study and showed then how to explain the Book of Mormon. Then they went tracting and Sister Heller and I were dressed up like grandmas and they had to give us the Book of Mormon. Then I asked to be baptized, and they showed me the baptismal font and explained it to me! 

On a spiritual note: Endure to the end! I learned a little more about this this past week through some emails I received, and an investigator we are working with, etc. 

The Lord has put us here on the Earth to learn and grow and to progress. Sometimes we get into a rut and our prayers become less sincere and our scripture study less effective. Our prayers and our scripture study are a two- way communication—we can speak to God, and He can respond to us. 

Our testimony or our faith is nicely explained by Elder Scott Grow in Prophetic Principles of Faithfulness, “I explained that a testimony is nothing more or less than the Holy Ghost bearing witness to our soul of the truthfulness of the gospel and of the restored Church. When we fail to pray and study the scriptures, the influence of the Spirit in our life is weakened, lowering our resistance to temptation. When we sin and become unclean, we lose the companionship of the Holy Ghost altogether. Without the ongoing witness of the Spirit, we can easily begin to think we don’t have a testimony and maybe never did.”

I know that sometimes it's hard to keep scripture study and your prayers sincere and effective but I know that when we do, when we pour our whole hearts into our prayers and when we study with questions and the intent to learn, the Holy Ghost will bear witness to us of the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel and peace will enter our hearts!

You all are amazing. Keep going. You can do anything when the Lord is on your side! 

Transfers calls are this Saturday. Any guesses as to where I will be going? I have to leave Switzerland (I am pretty sure anyway) so that means I have 6 zones out of 7 to choose from. Österreich or Deutschland.... 

We also have the Annual Missionary Broadcast this week... so excited, I heard it's going to be really good! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission
A gorgeous house we doored

The Kinder at the PV Aktivität
The Kinder at the PV Aktivität

Our Tausch picture
The Wenczels
A funny door we doored!

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