Wednesday, January 4, 2017



     I got the wonderful opportunity to skype with my family on Monday and it was amazing to see their faces again! I loved celebrating the New Year with our ward (until 9:30 when we had to leave to go home)! Sister Heller can’t believe it's the end of her black year (the year she is gone on her mission for the whole year) and I can't believe I hit my 6 month mark soon!!! This year is going to be amazing! 

    For me, I find the miracles and treasured moments are found when someone smiles to you and the last 10 people growled or when someone lets you tell them your message whether or not they have interest because the last 10 doors were slammed in your face. This week was filled with vorbei's (going by) on Potentials and genuine finding! 

      We had many small miracles such as a young woman getting super excited to see us, letting us in, making us tea and feeding us cake and allowing us to share our message with her. (Sister Heller and I thought we were in South America). Or when your two potentials let you in to share your message with the rest of their family and, although there is a language barrier, have genuine interest and want to learn more. We are now looking for a Persian Book of Mormon and other materials for one of our families! Maybe this applies to all missions, I don't know, but especially here, you find people who have come from all over the world—especially war-torn countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan, and from poorer countries such as Brazil or Hungary, but even just other parts of Europe like France and Italy.  I am nowhere near fluent in German and I can't speak these other languages at all and often their knowledge of German and or English is very limited, which causes a huge language barrier, but those who are honestly seeking the truth open their hearts and the Spirit can testify to them that what I am saying is true despite the language. It is amazing to see the Spirit work in the hearts of those you find.

     I know that the Lord is preparing His children, there are people searching for the truth, searching for a way home, but they know not where to find it. I have come to realize when we as missionaries pray to know where to go Finding and then go there and are diligent and don't let our hunger and fatigue get in the way, we find those people; we find the elect. 

     I just want you all to know, I know that there is a God in Heaven and He is the literal Father of our spirits! He loves us and wants us to return home. He knows what is best for us and has provided us with the necessary steps, a plan to return to live with Him. I know that this is His true Church, that if anyone is looking for the truth, you can look in the Book of Mormon. It is true, I know because I have read it! 

     Sister Heller and I have goals for this upcoming year and so we are focusing on bettering ourselves so we titled them becoming celestial...

     Set a goal to become better this year. What can you do to improve? Pick a Christlike characteristic (humility, patience, being charitable etc.) and set goals to improve and mark your progress. You will be amazed at what you will see!
Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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