Tuesday, January 10, 2017

☃❄It snowed!!!!!🌨⛄


This week we went to Germany. I may have already mentioned that because we did emails on the train but it was super fun to go on an adventure and to see some people I haven’t seen in a while!! 

Because it snowed Sister Heller and I took the wonderful opportunity to write Jesus lebt! Mormon.org everywhere we could! It was genius!! We even saw people looking at us as we were writing with our feet! Thank you Grandma and Mom for that idea (Remember when we would say hi to the mailman in the snow?).

On Tuesday before Distrikt meeting the Wetinkon Elders and we were waiting for the Zone Leaders and it had snowed, so we of course made snow balls and anxiously waited for them show up... yes we had a mini snowball fight before Distrikt meeting; it was fun!!

We also had MLC, which meant that we went to München  (Germany again!!!) to be taught by the AP's (Assistants to the President), President and Sister Kohler, and by the former Berlin Mission President. It was so much fun to see so many people I hadn’t seen in a while. I have friends who are in the office, zone leaders and STL's. It was so much fun! We even got to ride on a Ferry!! That was pretty cool! President talked about setting a new baptismal goal for our mission. Sister Kohler talked about persuasion, and the AP's talked about trying to improve constantly, not letting ourselves be okay with where we are. It was so good!!

         Sister Kohler talked about persuasion and in German there are two translations: überreden and überzeugnen. I always viewed persuasion as something bad or rude, negative. In the Book of Mormon when describing the devil, they use überreden which is negative, but when describing the prophets and when they persuaded men to do good, the translation is überzeugnen. Zeugnis is testimony or Witness and reden is to talk. Satan is very good at persuading people or überreden people to go against God's will, but we as missionaries need to testify and persuade (überzeugnen) through our testimonies that Jesus Christ lives! Persuasion is as good or as bad as your intentions for it. 

I also had a really cool experience with fasting this week. It wasn’t in what I fasted for, but how! Normally, I just skipped 2 meals so I would start my fast before I went to bed and then I would skip breakfast and lunch and then have an early dinner, but Sister Heller has always done a full 24 hour fast and I felt kind of guilty, so I did it with her. At first I didn’t know about it and the temptation was strong at different parts, but one thing I noticed as I went to Church suddenly, my stomach didn’t growl like a bear and I was weak physically but strong spiritually. It was an amazing experience! I can really put into words what it felt like, but I encourage you next Fast Sunday to fast for 24 hours and see what you feel and experience!

If you don't understand what fasting is or why we fast visit this link:

If you want more in depth information on how you can be better at fasting visit his link:

My challenge this week is to look at the Church's Self-Reliance Program. Maybe in there you can find a goal to work on and make it a New Year’s Resolution Becoming Celestial and you will become more self-reliant!

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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