Thursday, January 19, 2017


Hey we don't have much time today, so I am really sorry about the short email, but the Elders had a baptism, and he is so cool. Angelo is from Italy, and so the baptism was partially in Italian, German, English and Spanish—with translators translating everything so he and his family would be able to understand. Super cool, wish I had time to write more.

Also had Zone Training and I gave my part in German. The AP's were there, which was fun, and I think everyone even understood me!! So that was cool!!! I will learn this language eventually. Ha ha!!! 

So I just wanted to tell you, we found a super cool guy on the street last Monday night. I think it may have been a blessing from our diligence, but maybe not. And we asked him what the meaning of life is, and he said,

“I don't know. I have been wondering that for five years now, and asked and all the churches are missing something, and science has disappointed me too. And I just keep praying to know.”

We gave him a Book of Mormon, and he asked, when he is done with some project thing in March, if we could meet up. I really hope he reads the Book of Mormon and prays to know if it is true. It was super cool because I could really bear true testimony because he spoke English, and he said he could tell we weren't just reciting script but we're speaking from the heart and he was excited to have something only translated once!  

We also went sledding today for Distrikt P-Day and these are the pictures below!!

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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