Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Merry Christmas or Frohe Weihnachten!

     This week was crazy! Sister Heller and I had Zone Training and with that we helped lead and that was nerve racking for both of us! We really focused on FINDING (tracting, going out, and focused on finding new people to teach), our goal as a Zone is to go finding for 10 hours a week because the average is so much lower! We shared a great motivational video and talked about diligence and working on finding the elect—those who are searching for the Gospel and just haven’t found it yet. That is our job: finding people who want to learn about our Savior and come closer to Him.

Picture below: We tried to be creative with our finding this week!


    Our FHE this week was a Christmas party and we had a White Elephant exchange and it was fun to be able to sing, eat authentic Swiss/Austrian Christmas food and share in the Spirit of Christmas!! The Elders were there and we each had an investigator there as well, which was really good!
     We also had a lunch appointment this week where we celebrated Christmas, sang songs, and read the Christmas Story (the spiritual thought from the Elders) and we took some fun pictures!!
     We went caroling with one of the families in our ward, the Elders, and one of our investigators!!!!
      We started off Christmas Eve with bringing home-made cookies to less actives and investigators. We had so many cookies; it was so nice to see their faces light up. We were even able to help one of our investigators decorate for Christmas as she was running low on time and we stopped by just at the right time and she even let us share a quick spiritual thought even though she was so busy. Plus I got to practice my Spanish because she is from the Dominican Republic I think!! She is so cute and her kids are so cute as well!!! 
      We had a dinner appointment on Saturday night to start off our Christmas celebrations. It was us and the Elders and the family that invited us were American/Canadian so English! We had a Swiss dinner and American dessert!! We sang songs and talked about so many things. It really felt like home. It was amazing!!
*** We came home and opened our Christmas packages from home in the German style (they open their gifts on the 24th instead of the 25th)****
      Then we had Christmas Church Service or our Weihnachten Gottesdienst! It was only one hour, but we sang Christmas songs, and one family did a beautiful Christmas musical number!
      We had a Christmas lunch appointment too! The family is a part member family meaning the husband is not a member, but he cooked us the lunch and was so kind to let us into his home on Christmas. We took pictures with her afterwards and enjoyed talking to them about how they met and their family.
       Between appointments we went dooring to share the Spirit of Christmas with others and one kind lady let us in and she really only spoke Portuguese, but Sister Heller taught a whole lesson like a champ!!! All I know in Portuguese is Feliz Natal so... but Sister Heller explained who we were and the Book of Mormon and told her we have a friend who speaks Portuguese :)
      We had a dinner appointment with a ward member and the Elders on Sunday night as well to finish off our weekend of celebrating! We had another huge dinner (I am good for about a week) and we sang songs and we shared a spiritual thought and played games!!!

     I just want to testify to you all that I know that there is a deeper meaning to Christmas than presents and cookies and even deeper than a sweet baby in a manager that is that our Savior JESUS CHRIST lived and died for us but He lives and loves us. Through Him we can have hope, peace, light, love.... As you celebrate your Christmas with your family don’t forget that He lives and it is only through Him that we can have peace and joy and that we can live with our families forever! I know this to be true! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission



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