Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thanksgiving, Transfers and Tchüß

Hallo Guten Tag,

So I was sick this past week so not much happened as far as investigators or finding efforts (what missionaries call tracting) except for Sunday because we had a tender mercy!! Alex came to Church!!! It was a tender mercy for two reasons: one because we hadn’t seen him in a while and he missed church last week, and the other reason I will explain in a bit.

On Thursday, Sister Campbell and I bought rolls and then Sister Campbell made a mini Thanksgiving dinner for us. It straight up tasted like Thanksgiving!!! We shared what we were thankful for!! Then our echt (real) Thanksgiving dinner was on Saturday with the American families in our ward! It was awesome!!! It was nice because it was in English so it was a little bit of home!!!! There were about 15 of us including the cute little children!! It was funny because most of us were American but there was one family that was German and our GML (Ward Mission Leader) is Chinese so that was fun!!

Thanksgiving dinner was fun, but it was also sad because I received a call Friday morning from President. Now dramatic pause... President doesn’t just call out of the blue. So we got a call from President on Friday morning—I was sick all last week so I was actually still sleeping—and he said that we are doing a mini early transfer because there are some Sisters in Switzerland who are American and don't have a German or Austrian VISA (Switzerland is their first area). And so to help prevent problems with the 90 days thing, they are transferring them out 2 weeks early, and I am one of the Sisters replacing! So I am transferring on Wednesday to Schwamendingen, which is in Zürich, Switzerland!!
So that threw us all for a loop.

I was only companions with Sister Campbell for 3 weeks... 

Stay tuned for information on my new companion... Her name is Sister Heller and she is a German, but that is all I know. 

So it was a tender mercy that Alex came to church because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye. There was also a FHV (Relief Society - the women’s organization in our church) activity on Saturday so I was able to tell everyone and have them fill out my Tchüß book!!! 

I am really going to miss Ulm; it is where I started my mission and the people here saw me with my brand new Golden German (we call brand new missionaries goldens) and have helped me to be where I am now, but I am excited for the adventures that await me in Schwamendingen, especially because it is in Switzerland, which is where my dad served so I am super excited about that!!!

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


Thanksgiving selfie
Sister Campbell and I making cookies at FHV Activität
Präsident Schaal and Schwester Schaal and I
Alex and I
The Whittaker family
Lackners and I



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