Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Don't Pray for Patience


This week was really fun!! We had Distrikt Meeting and we like to do Role Plays to practice our teaching skills... well Elder Kennedy decided to give us all personalities for our role plays....

The Role Play was on How to Teach Someone to Pray. So I was Sarah Palin, Sister W***** was Hillary Clinton, and we also had Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Snoop Dog, and a two other random ones I can't remember. Anyway, not sure how much learning we got done but everyone really got into character...

 "Snoop Dog, Werden Sie für uns beten?" "Ja, Gott, Wie Gehts?, Danke für meine Geld und meine Musik. Es ist sehr gut. In Namen Jesu Christi amen"

 "Snoop Dog Will you pray for us?" "Yes, God, What's up? Thank you for my money and my music; it is very good. In the name of Jesus Christ amen"

Then we had Trump praying for Amerika and his 10 foot high wall and Hillary praying that Trump won’t win and then Trump got mad, it was really funny.

Elder H***** even yelled to me "Hey Sarah can you see Heaven from your house?"

It was a good time! 😎🗨👏💬


So we had Bible prophesies on Friday and then transfer calls on Saturday...

Bible prophesy said that I would be either going to Wien (Vienna) or I would be staying in Ulm and that was basically it so...

Transfer calls come—now the Zone Leaders are supposed to call around 7:00-7:15 to let you know, and if it gets to be 7:30 or later, President will probably call, which means that someone in your companionship is going to be in the leadership which for sisters means STL. It was 7:48 when the Zone Leaders finally called us. We thought for sure that President was going to call and we were freaking out!!! No, they just forgot us 😑.

SO!!! Sis W***** is going to Wien and step-training (meaning that they are a second transfer golden or greeny).

Most of my Distrikt is staying the same just Sister W***** and Elder L***** are leaving and they both are going to Wien ZONE!! Crazy!! Elder H***** will be getting a golden. So half of our Distrikt will have tablets and half will not, which will be interesting.

***NOW FOR ME***

A missionary’s 3rd transfer is their greeny busting transfer so I am being greeny busted, BUT my companion is SISTER CAMPBELL so I am greeny busting her because she was in my MTC group, so she is also in her 3rd Transfer!!!

It's going to be a crazy transfer. I am so excited!!

Please keep Sandra in your prayers her health is not doing very well—along with her husband Christian and her son Alex. And please pray for Alex, Elena and Alyssa. They are a new family that just started investigating the Church and they are just the best; they are so cute!

The Lord answers our prayers and not just because I prayed for patience but because we have a less active who is from Portugal and I had been praying for us to find someone who we could teach and would be baptized and spoke Portuguese! I thought it would help her feel more comfortable if she knew better what was going on... well, I found out on Sunday, Alex (the investigator above) speaks Portuguese and it is the most random language.  He speaks Romanian because he is Romanian and he speaks English because he has really close friends who are American and he speaks German, but why Portuguese... because the Lord answers the prayers of the faithful!



So this past week I have been trying to figure out how I feel the spirit. I have come up with a couple of things, but that is one area of my testimony that I would like to work on. I want to encourage you all to look and see how the Lord speaks to you? I have found that most people don't have one way but that the Lord speaks to them in a variety of ways depending on lots of different situations. If you have a hard time like me, I encourage you to check out chapter 4 in Preach My Gospel which can be found online or in the Gospel Library App or wherever missionary stuff is sold...😉

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

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