Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Gemeinde Schwamendingen

Frohe Weihnachten

So I am now in Zürich and it's weird! It is much more city like then Ulm was, but I like it! The buildings have lights covering them for the Christmas holiday and it is so pretty!!!! 

Swiss German 
Okay so Swiss German ain't High German, but it's cool! I can mostly recognize now when someone is speaking to me in Hochdeutsch or Swiss Deutsch because they have a swing to their words and I mostly can't understand them. Ha ha. But everyone is very kind and either speaks English or Hochdeutsch around me, and I have noticed I am getting a lot better at understanding people. I had an interview with one of the members and got through it with only a few troubles, and Sister Heller didn't even have to help me!!!!

The Ward Gemeinde Schwamendingen  is closer to the size of Glens Falls, but the building is HUGE!!! The Church here in Switzerland is very strong—everyone told me that, and now I get the chance to see it for myself; it's amazing!! Families talk about their mission experiences and they are so united. It's more like the States in that way. 

We had a Relief Society activity my first night here, and I got to meet some of the members and I made a cool Christmas craft and had really good cookies made by Sister Heller!! 

Zone Leaders are in our ward too, which is cool to be able to work with the Elders!

We helped a New Converts mom move and we were able to share a spiritual thought and take pretty cool pictures!!!

Austellung (a street display)
We had one on Saturday, and it was fun because we had our Distrikt there and our GML. We didn't get any potentials personally as Sisters, but it was a great experience to see how other missionaries do street contacting and to be able to practice myself!
*** one lady came up to me and by the way she was standing I could tell she was not interested and she just wanted to bash me. And as she was standing there I was laughing to myself, but then Sister Heller came over and told her Schönen Tag noch (have a good day) and then told me to ignore her. Joke’s on her because I have no idea what she was saying because she was speaking to me in Swiss Deutsch  (she then came back and said she forgot to tell me something but again I only caught a little vocabulary and I told her I didn't understand. She didn't believe me...) Oh well. Ha ha.

Sister Heller organized a Christmas Concert with music, and then we showed the new Christmas film, and it went sooo well!!!! As missionaries we sang Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer and Winter Wonderland. It was cool to see how musically talented the ward here is. We had 4 different violinists, a cello, piano, trumpet, saxophone, pan flute, and singers of course!
We had dinner at their house, and it is so cool because it is every week and both sets of missionaries are invited, and then we can each bring a less-active or an investigator or anyone we want, and it is so great to see the ward helping bring the missionaries and those we are working with together so that the members can better fellowship!!! We also have a FHE night set up for every week too!!! 

Christmas Sweaters 
We bought Christmas sweaters!!! So yup!!!

Sister Heller Is from Dresden Germany. She has been on her mission for a year now. She trained another Sister in my MTC group. She has 8 siblings and she is an amazing Missionary!!!

Christmas Service Calendar Are you doing the service calendar? If you are I would love to hear how it is going!!! Also share the video with everyone!!!! Like do it, now stop reading and go share it, just kidding but it would be amazing if you shared the video with one person and shared your love of Christ and the reason for Christmas!

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

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