Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The spare key is in Stuttgart...

Hello world,

Tuesday I got a blessing from Elder H***** who is in my Distrikt (Ellwangen and was Distrikt Leader) and it was sooooo good! I love Priesthood blessings. Elder H***** didn't know all the struggles and questions I was facing, but as I thought about my blessing over the next few days all the questions that came to my mind were answered through the words from my blessing, I received so much comfort from that blessing! 
Wednesday I said good bye to my mission Mom and was companion with Sister Peterson for about 4 hours! It was sad to say good bye to Sister W*****, Sister M*****, and Elder L*****, but there was also that excitement for the future! The train from Zürich shows up, and Sister P***** and I are freaking out. We both know our companions because we all were in the MTC together. It will be a really fun adventure. Ha ha!
Thursday around 10 I remember we need to do something with the dryer and washer so the pipes don't freeze out there. So around 11 I go out and I am in my missionary clothes, but am only wearing sandals. Sister C***** comes out to see and help etc., and she has slippers on, is eating toast, and she closes the door. And then she says, "Umm, I think I locked us out of our apartment" I am like, "What?!? You’re kidding, right?" Nope, she didn't realize that the door can't be opened from the outside without a key. Our phones, our jackets, our shoes, my tights, our phone number list, our tablets and our keys are in the apartment, and the only window open is opened the wrong way...
I run across the street to a man yelling 
ENTSCHULDIGUNG  ENTSCHULDIGUNG!!!  WIR HABEN EIN PROBLEM! We have a problem. So this man named Josef gave me a sweater because I was wearing shorts sleeves and a skirt and no tights or shoes! He got Helga to bring some phones for us and we searched her phone for the members’ numbers, but no one answered and then we found (a blessing) the office number on the preparetoserve website. We got a hold of the office and apparently the closest or the only spare key is in Stuttgart with the Zone Leaders. They got on the next train to Ulm!  (It's like an hour train ride) They had the spare key and they went to unlock our door, and it didn't work because our key was in the other side.... Elder B***** and Elder S***** tried everything: knocking the door down, tried sticking random things in the door to push the key out, Elder B***** even tried using a bike pump to blow the key out. We finally decided it would be safer and cheaper to call a locksmith except that was a disaster trying to figure out a number to call. Elder Bates called the office and with their wizardness found a Schlüsseldienst
 who could come and unlock the door for us!!!
Yeah we were finally in our apartment by 5 o'clock with 5 missed calls and a couple of texts! Apparently everyone knows now...  oh well!
We got a gigantic Schnitzel when we met with the Schaals so Sister C***** can meet them! This restaurant has gigantic ones!!! Ahh!! Leftovers for days!!

Real talk Sister C***** and I had a three-hour talk about life one night before bed. Okay it wasn't quite 3 hours but it was really good, I think it helps us to understand each other better!! 

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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