Friday, November 4, 2016

Happy Halloween

Hello World,
This week has been an adventure for Sister Whiting and me. I have learned that maybe not most transfers but this transfer has been a rollar coaster of a ride. We find someone who is golden and then they randomly drop us, or we drop someone because they really aren't progressing it is so sad :(
First before all of that HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! 🎃
Please email me pictures of everyone's cute costumes!!! I want to see!! I was a missionary for Halloween haha!!
So here in Germany they do have Halloween, mostly because they really love America. So they sell costumes and Halloween, bags but everything is in English, so that makes it easier for me!! They don't go knocking on doors trick or treating, but they have Halloween parties and stuff!
Thanks to Sister Whitings mom, we have companion socks that are Halloween because we are together for Halloween!!! They are candy corn socks and they are the best. She also let me borrow her candy corn scarf and so i am wearing that today!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN

This week!!
I started reading in Our Search for Happiness and I love it! It is good for people who want to know more about the Latter-day Saints and it is good for the people who want to how to better share the Gospel. I highly recommend it! Apparently it was in the Missionary Resource Guide Thing that I was supposed to buy. Well luckily someone left one in our apartment!! 😊
Distriktsversammlung (District Meeting): We had our district meeting this week on Wednesday and then did finding afterwards, and it was really fun. So our district consists of Ellwangen, Esslingen and Göppingen, which are all Elders and then the zone leaders came because they were doing a Taufinterview (baptismal interview for our district leader) so us Sisters were greatly outnumbered, but that is okay because they were hilariously awkward! Plus we got 3 Potentials from our finding!!! (Our distrikt meeting was in Ulm so our finding was in Ulm, so the potentials they found were for us!!) AHHHHHH!!!
Our Investigator Erik came to Church again!!! Please pray that he will really come to know the truthfulness of this Gospel for himself, that he won't let outside forces influence him whether good or bad. He didn't accept our baptismal date for him yet but we are hoping that as it comes closer he will know that it is right. He is progressing though!!!
We also have a less active who is struggling with some familial problems, and another less active that is struggling with health problems, if you want to keep them in your prayers as well. We are working with the one with familial problems, trying to encourage her and her husband to want to make the temple a goal. And the sister with the health problems--we are working with her and her family in keeping the faith and encouraging them to keep going, keep doing the simple things of reading your scriptures and praying!

Just know that if you are ever searching for bugs like Nancy Drew
if it has more than six legs its probably a fuzzy,
and if it isn't moving its probably a rock!

Please let me know how you are doing, I generally don't read my emails except on Monday, but I do love hearing from you all. Keep the faith and remember that even in hard times, the Lord is blessing you just sometimes you can't see it.

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländishe Mission

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