Saturday, November 26, 2016

When America doesn't work out....

Hallo my peeps,

Distrikt meeting - Our first Distrikt meeting for the transfer! We have a golden, Elder D*****! Sister C****** is also new to the Distrikt, but it was really fun getting to know everyone! Elder K***** is our Distrikt Leader!!

Service- this week after Distrikt meeting our whole distrikt volunteered to help one of our members move! It took us forever to find their house but after getting lost, trying to use and climbing a huge hill, we finally found them!! I love it we were really able to help them!! After the Elders had to leave, we stayed for a few more hours and helped clean and move hints around and tape paper to their windows (everyone needs privacy🙂) they bought us Döners and we ate them on the floor! Yes best meal #missionlife!

GML - We have a GML or Ward Mission Leader now!!!!! It is so exciting to be able to work with a GML because I have never worked with one before!! Plus I love their family!!! They have the cutest daughter ever!!

Military Base - Found out Sister C****** can get us on the American military base which is super cool!! Thank you to Brother C****** for being in the military! So we immediately started a list of "Things we need to buy in America!"  Cause you know—sometimes you just need chocolate chips semi sweet.... Except Sister Campbell needed to register first... Oh well, we had a fun adventure!!!

Ritersport Factory- We went to the Ritersport Factory and bought so much chocolate between the 6 of us we spent over 300€ 😂😛

Ritersport Factory - We went to the Ritersport Factory and bought so much chocolate between the 6 of us we spent over 300€ 
Interviews- I had my first interview with President!! It was so amazing!! I love how he is so close to the spirit that he knows what to say and doesn't even know exactly what you are thinking! It is amazing!! During my personal interview I was able to share some questions, concerns and some things I have learned so far! I felt the spirit so strong when I was talking with him!

CHRISTMAS So the Church came out with a 2016 Christmas Initiative and I invite you all to look at it and join me in participating because Jesus Christ is the light of the world and we can share that light through our actions!! 

Honestly what did you think when you first read my subject?


Happy Birthday to Erin and Dad!! I hope it is getting best!!!

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

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