Friday, October 28, 2016


Hallo Freunde,
This week was full of adventures but I can't talk about them all; things to do and people to teach. So the best part was yesterday!!!
Well Saturday, we had a lesson with an investigator in this cute little town, and he is so golden!!!! He wants to come to church and he did!!!! We had 2 less actives, a neu bekehrt (new convert) and an investigator at church!!! Our little branch almost reached 40 people!!!! We were in shock because we have very little progress the past few weeks, but on our way to pick up one of the less actives, we called our neu bekehrt and he said he was coming--that he was on his way, and we tried calling our untersucher (investigator), but he didn't answer... Then on our walk to the church with our less active, he called and said he was 5 minutes from Hauptbahnhof!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! You could have blown us over with a feather we were so happy!!!!
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers, they really do help!!!
I am sorry that this email is so short this week! I am running out of time!
I challenge you to read your scriptures and to pray and truly worship our Savior Jesus Christ everyday. When you are stressed, read the scriptures!!! It helps I know because I have done it.
One last thing I learned this week is that when you are about to do great things for God, the adversary tries to get in the way. He does everything he can. For me, sometimes he tests my patience. I am sad to say that I was very short with Sister W***** on Sunday morning until I realized what was happening. The Lord can help you stay strong and resist but He never said it would be easy, only worth it!!!
Keep the faith, and I am so grateful for all of you!! Have a great week!! Schöne Woche noch!!
Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

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