Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Inviting all to Come unto Him

SERVUS Schätz! (Coming to you again from the German Stuttgart Sisters)

Last Friday was my Spiritual Birthday (4 years since my baptism and confirmation)  And guess what?! The mission threw me a party in Munich. They even invited M. Russell Ballard to come.

On Wednesday we had two member appointments, with two amazing women. With one we learned how to say cross stitching in German and with the other we learned that potatoes are actually healthy.

Thursday we went on Base where we ate Taco Bell and hung out with the funniest optometrist, who taught us that "It is by their countenance that ye shall know them." Which then somehow he connected to the eyes... So yeah... eyes. 

And then! On FRIDAY (*Drum roll please*) we wake up! (at not that early of an hour), and
we go to Stuttgart. We wait for the bus, but does the bus come? No! We can't find it actually. The Elders then go on the hunt. We just see them running all around Bahnhof, up and down every street (picture this: two 20-year-olds in suits running around a busy city early in the morning like a Mission Impossible film) they find the bus and we start our 3 hour journey to MÜNCHEN. 

Then we arrive in München, where we see every single missionary in this mission!.

We sang "He Calls." which was super powerful (imagine 170+ missionaries singing) to M. Russell Ballard, L. Whitney Clayton, Gary B. Sabin, and their wives. 

M. Russell Ballard encouraged us to stand strong throughout of lives, and to give our missions over to the Lord. He stated that we are in war with the evils of the world. We know which side we are on and it is Christ's side aka the winning side. We are in a hurry to win this battle.  We were encouraged to talk to 10 people a day outside of normal finding, and to allow the Spirit to touch the hearts of those we teach! He said, we are bearing His cross on our shoulders, when people don't like us or scorn us, it is for Him. We are defending Him. We are defending our friend! 

On Sunday he came to our ward in Stuttgart. There he asked us to bring a friend unto Christ before Christmas , as a gift to Christ . We invite you all to do the same   as we all endeavor to bring our brothers and sisters unto HIM. 

Funny quote from Elder Ballard talking about how he is now 89 and he is nearing the sunset of his mortal life and he joked that when the alarm goes off in the morning he says, "Oh, I'm here. Better get up!" 

bis nächste Woche! 

Pictures: making crepes last night, shaking hands with Elder Ballard, and selfies on our "hike" this morning.

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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