Thursday, October 19, 2017

Do I have the faith to see miracles?

Hoi Freunde!

Wow this week was full of so much! Where should I start?

Last Tuesday after P-day we went to Institute with one of our friends. We were able to give her a Book of Mormon afterwards so she can study for next week!

On Wednesday we had three APPOINTMENTS!!  One with a potential from Ethiopia! We meet people from all over the world, so fun! We weren't able to teach much, but we got to know her, and she called her pastor who invited us to an activity on Saturday—that ended up being a church service but it was fun anyway.

Then we went out to the outskirts of our area and we had a lesson with a less-active and her daughter! We might end up teaching her family so that her daughter can be baptized! Then we came back to town, and our friend Rey (for confidential reasons I will call him Rey) fed us and the international sisters dinner. 
Funny Story - When we were at Rey's he tells my companion, you should talk to my brother, to which she says "your brother... the pastor...?" He says yes and hands her his phone, which is already dialing She ends up talking to a guy in the Middle East over Skype, who is a Christian Pastor— what?!?! He is talking to her and asking her questions and she is teaching a little and then.... he says, “You should come to us, teach the people, do your work here ...... to which my polite Californian companion says I don't think I have the money for that... He assured her they would take care of everything and even pick her up from the airport... Well after her consistent but polite attempt to dodge the subject, he says, “When you have a break come. I will tell my people. They are very excited to meet you 

Well Sister Woolsey, how do you feel about opening the Middle East?

Thursday one of our appointments fell out but we met with Moser. Unfortunately she was too tired to get much out of our lesson (she slept during our visit, she is very ill).

We then went by on our bishop’s house, and his wife was there and she fed us. How sweet. And then we prayed to go finding in her area and after the prayer she suggested one of her neighbors!!! It was such a cool experience!! 

Friday we finished up the videos for Facebook, made a spiritual thought for the women going to the temple (our ward had a women’s temple trip). Sadly we couldn't go, but we sent them all off with a picture and a note from us!! 

Saturday was crazy busy! We heart-attacked a member of our ward's door, while she was at the temple.

Then we went to the International Church of Christ’s church service (we didn't realize it was a church service until his wife was picking us up) but we were able to represent our church well. We even got a potential (He was an old investigator of the elders. Oops.

Then we headed to a little town and went by on a member, but she wasn't home. Her son invited us over for dinner. We couldn't stay, so he said to come back for dinner. So in the meantime we went by on another member and they weren't home but they came home while we were writing a note to leave for them.

So we were able to visit both families in the end!! It was a really good opportunity, especially because the son is less-active, and he wanted us to come back and eat the dinner he had prepared!!! How sweet!! And it was so good!!

On Sunday we sadly didn't have anyone come to church but we did make four appointments for this week!!! After church we had a member appointment and we had an investigator come too!! He said he really enjoyed it!!! 

Then we had the special broadcast for Europe with Elder Ballard and that is where the title of this email comes in. Everyone spoke on their testimonies and increasing faith. Then Elder Ballard gets up and he shares a story of Ethiopia. And how he prayed for it to rain for those in Ethiopia and then it rained. 

It motivated me to work more with members and to increase my own faith so that I too can see miracles in my life.

The question of the week: How can I increase my faith? What can I do today? 

We heart-attacked or sticky noted her door with love!
We learned how to make Moroccan soup this morning!!!
They don't have Thanksgiving here so Christmas is already coming out haha.

NOTICE: My companion was baptized four years ago this Thursday!!! You can all join me in a Happy (Spiritual) Birthday celebration for her!! You can email her 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

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