Thursday, October 12, 2017

Servus aus Stuttgart

***First things first, our mission is getting Facebook, as I think I may have mentioned before. This means I will be using my original Facebook starting next week but I won't be able to respond to any personal Facebook messages outside of my mission area, I will only be able to respond through this email.

This week was amazing and sad. Let's start with goodbyes. Wednesday was transfer day, and so we said goodbye to Sister Pugh and Elder Scalese: two missionaries whom I have been in Stuttgart with for 3 transfers (4.5 months). It was so exciting for them though; they are both going to places they have never been before! 

Thursday we visited 2 older ladies in our Ward with the Elders. It was so fun! The two women have such strong testimonies and it brightened my spirits seeing their faith and love of the gospel! It was also fun to see the contrast because one was American, spoke English, and was very energetic. The other was German, spoke German, and was very calm and collected, but they both could talk your ear off. So sweet, I love visiting them!! 

Friday we had 2 lessons, and from it we were able to find 4 new people interested in learning about Jesus Christ!! In the first lesson we had a less-active and her sister there, and we talked about the Godhead, and it was really good. She and her sister even came to church, and then she brought a friend to FHE last night!!! Our second lesson was with a Rehan, his brother, and his friend. We introduced the Book of Mormon, and they loved that we had it in their original language!! What a powerful message that is!! The Gospel will be taught to all the world, in their own language!! 

Saturday we helped a member write her talk because she was so nervous and neither German nor English is her first language! We also had our Ausstellung (street display), and it was really cold, but we had some good conversations and were able to share a little about what we believe with some people! We got our name out there!! Saturday night we also got to see Sister Harrick before she went home. Her parents came to pick her up and she got to see 3 of her companions who are serving her in Stuttgart, plus me. I was her Tausch companion once ;) 

Sunday was amazing!!! Mary (the sister of the less-active) came and she brought her less-active sister!!! Then Rehan came and brought his friend!! We were able to have a really good correlation meeting. Sister Woolsey and I had a ton of energy and everyone seemed so happy ! The lessons were really good. A member came up and befriended Rehan in Sunday School! It was so cool!! We then had a wonderful member appointment afterwards and got to know the members even better! After Church we had a lesson with Uche, and he says he seems ready to meet us and learn! We are way excited!!

Monday we had a Distrikt Meeting and FHE! So fun!!

This week I learned a little more about patience and love. When we trust in the Lord's timing and give our all to Him, He gives us what we need and desire in return! We just need to stay faithful and keep pushing through the hard times in anticipation of the good times!

Please pray for Mary and Rehan and Uche

Pictures: Fall is here, beautiful Stuttgart, our member friend Sarah, and Sister Harrick with her companions! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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