Thursday, October 5, 2017

A companionship that prays together stays together

Hello friends!

I hope you all watched conference. If you didn't get the chance, or you missed a session,
I highly encourage you to go watch it and re-watch it; it was so good! 

Also we got transfer calls and we are staying together!! 

Happy Unity Day to Germany as well!!

This week:
Tausch: I went to Tübingen with Sister Fairbanks and it was so fun! Two of my previous companions served there as well as another sister from my MTC group. So that was a lot of fun to see beautiful Tübingen and to see Sister Whiting and Sister Miller's names in the apartment! We did some finding and we both learned new ideas. It was nice to mix up our subway contacting with streeting. In the evening we also had a member appointment with the Elders in Tübingen, and it was so fun. The couple was so funny and we spoke in a denglisch, which is my life, so it worked great! 

General Conference: Oh my gosh.It was so good!!! We were able to watch both morning sessions live. We even watched the Priesthood session. We were planning on doing our weekly planning Sunday morning and then we got a text from our friend Lukas that he had arrived to church early, and there was a guy there wanting to go to church and he had our card. So Lukas sat and talked with him until the Priesthood session started, then they watched it together until we showed up and joined them! It was way cool. He stayed for all of the sessions! We were also able to give him a Book of Mormon in Dutch (He is from the Netherlands)!  A kind member also made us Maultaschen for dinner in between sessions, so sweet!  

I loved President Nelson's talk!! 

Yesterday we took Distrikt Photos!!!

We are going to the Volksfest this week for P-day!! So much fun!!! We bought food and took pictures of course. I only rode one ride and wow, it made me so sick. Haha ugh, but Jeanne had fun so, Alles Gute!! 

Jeanne (Jane in English) kissed me during Institute... 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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