Wednesday, November 1, 2017

"You speak great German." Thank you, but you haven't even heard me use prepositions yet 😉

Gruß Gott
Hallo Freunde,

First of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Although, it is not an official holiday here, it is still widely celebrated as a day to party.

With the title for today, we have received the challenge to talk to 10 people every day and then report of our mission president. Well in this endeavor, I started talking to this lady, and it started a fun conversation with her and the lady across from us. We talked about why I was here and the language. And Sister Woolsey and I were joking afterwards that Germans are so nice and tell us how good our German is even good when we have hardly said anything, haha. It was a really fun conversation anyway!! 

So this week well, we visited a member, whom we visit regularly on Thursday and she unfortunately got us both sick. So since Saturday we have been playing everything by ear and sleeping a whole bunch. We are really grateful daylight savings was this last weekend for Germany because we got an extra hour of sleep!! We were also blessed to have a member help us out yesterday morning by meeting us at the grocery store and helping us grab all the right ingredients to make homemade soup (a German specialty for when you’re sick) and then he guided us through making it through text messages, so sweet. 

Before, on Wednesday, we were able to help a less-active for a few hours by putting together fliers for her business and then we went back on Saturday, and she said next week we could share a spiritual thought!!! Progress!! 

Wednesday night we also visited a member, and she fed us! She is a super sweet older member of our Ward, very German, haha. It was fun! She even gave us a hug and kiss good bye! 

Thursday we had dinner and celebrated birthday of a friend of ours, and then we went for hot chocolate with another friend. It was really good to build a better relationship with him; he even invited us to come to his family party tomorrow to try Nigerian food! YUM! 

On Friday we helped out at a wedding of a member! We were dish crew! It was really nice to be able to talk with the other members who were helping out and to be a small part of this special day for our friend!! I am so happy for her!!

Saturday we gave away a Book of Mormon to a guy from Egypt and we were able to explain quite a bit because he did research beforehand. It was a fun lesson to be able to explain the reason we have the Book of Mormon and where it came from and then we committed him to read and pray about!! Hopefully he will feel something when he reads it. 

Saturday there was also a member baptism and it was great to share in that moment with him! He is a really smart 8 year old, and is so ready! 

Last night we ended up doing splits and having two lessons. The lesson that I went to was SO COOL!!! We didn't really know what to expect, but we were very happily surprised! So we are teaching this 7-year-old so she can be ready for her baptism at the request of her dad. And her dad has a non-member girlfriend who seems to have interest! We are very excited to keep teaching this family!! 

I love and miss you all! 

Sorry, not very many pictures for today but here is a statue calls Hochsitz, which translates to high seat.

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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