Tuesday, September 5, 2017

We are going places! 🎈


This week we had some amazing opportunities to meet new people; twice I just started talking to someone who was staring at us or our name tags, and then they came with us to an Institute or Family Home Evening. 

We also were able to organize a dinner appointment at one of our investigator’s house and have two members come!! It was a great fellowshipping opportunity, and we got to eat great Pakistani food. Yum!! 

We were also able to serve this week, some planned and some not.

Miracle story: This week we were doing our morning sport, working out to Insanity or T25 videos and our phone starts ringing. It is 7:15 or so in the morning. The phone says it's a member. I answer the phone, and she asks if we can come as soon as possible to help her out. So we quickly get ready and head out to her house. She picks us up from the train station and says she was asked by her neighbor to buy her water (People don't believe in tap water here, so you have to buy it in bottles), but she has a baby and no vehicle (families generally only have one vehicle, and her husband was away— the reason she called us). She said we could help her deliver the water and share a message (missionary work). Then she says another day she wants us to come back and visit a little old lady neighbor (missionary work). PLUS she has a plan to have her husband be baptized and then he baptize her daughter! Missionary work! She is our miracle member missionary!! 

We are seeing miracles by people we find and the members we are working with. This is the Lord's work!

I hope you all have a great week!! 

Picture of our stand and the food!

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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