Thursday, September 21, 2017

Weekly Hello Starring Sister Anderson and Sister Woolsey

Due to the tiredness of missionary life, we are writing this email together! 

Saturday we had an amazing lesson with our main man Maxim. In this lesson we talked about the Plan of Salvation. He learned that families can and will be together forever when we follow God's plan!!!  God has given us two gifts, life and the ability to choose.
[2 Nephi 2:27] 

Interviews with President are always great and we are getting Facebook! 

Stake Conference was super uplifting; we had one girl who gave a talk solely using scriptures! President and Sister Brown spoke to us and were really inspiring as always. Our Stake President who was a German bashed all the Germans by saying they aren't willing to accept and we need to be more open and friendly towards others. We invite you to find some way this week to serve someone else. We will do it too! We would love to hear what you did, if you want to share! 

Pforzheim is a lot bigger than we thought it was! 

Women's night plus Max – Max came with us so he could translate for us into Russian, but it fell through because she wasn't "home," and we felt bad so we invited him to our girls’ dinner. It turned out to be fun, and we were able to share a spiritual thought with them all!! 

Also this week we prepared ourselves to be good wives by having Cooking lessons. We learned how to make Spätzle in 3 different ways and we learned how to make Chicken Marcela. 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

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