Friday, September 15, 2017

Members are the Best!!!

Hello Freunde,

Double the Appointments – Tuesday night we were going to go to a member appointment but then a potential called us—one we thought we had lost because we forgot to save his number in time—and asked if we were going to Institute so then we were in a pickle. We can't be in two places at once, or can we? We got permission from our STL's and another set of sisters was willing, so we did SPLITS or a mini- exchange! Sister Woolsey stayed at Institute, and I went to the member appointment! It was so much fun. The members were so funny, and it was fun to talk to Sister Francino for a couple of hours.

"I can’t cook, but I guess I'll learn" – Today we went and visited a part member family. The wife really wants her daughter and husband to be baptized, so we went over to introduce ourselves to the daughter and to walk around with her and hopefully find some contacts (this is the same amazing member missionary from last week). We were walking home from her daughter's school and she runs into her friend. We start talking and the topic of Indian food comes up, and the member suggests that we all go over to her house and her friend can teach us how to cook it. She also suggested later that her Italian neighbor can teach us how to make real Italian pasta. We have a set appointment for this week for the Indian food and we are going to show how to make chocolate chip cookies (USA). That evening we had a member appointment and ate this amazing pumpkin soup (I don’t even like pumpkin things) and she gave us the recipe and some pumpkin!! Then from another member we got pumpkin bread and a chocolate chip cookie recipe!! 

Wir können nicht füßball spielen. So we thought it would be a good idea to invite K. to the soccer night so we put on workout clothes and went with him. Well we did not realize that the only people who showed up were basically professionals. So Sister Woolsey played for a little while, but I just watched and we cheered on the guys!

Moser – We also visited Moser again and the Elders came and gave her a blessing.
It was really sweet. She is really sick, but man she is a trooper! Keep praying for her!

ZONE CONFERENCE – Wow I learned so much. The focus was on member work and we have been trying to improve that so we learned some new ideas!! We also learned from President and Sister Brown about basic gospel principles and the spirit was so strong! I felt like we were all fully recharged with things we need to work on and areas where we are doing really well! 

Raining us out – We were going to go to Königstrasse and do our Ausstellung, but it was raining, so we decided to do some more planning for the Ausstellung and organize it better for future rainy days. We worked on our Member binder. We are making a binder of the members and their information and pictures so that future missionaries can get to know them better! 

Members! – So on Sunday we talked with a bunch of members and I was trying to say hi to them by their name and I even learned a few new names and we made some appointments with the members at church!! We also planned a day to go out to the far end of our area and visit the members there!! We are excited!!

For P-day we went back to Ulm. Wow the flashbacks, and I climbed the Munster – finally. And I got to see two members who are still there. I got to hear an update on the area and I ran into the elders! So much fun!!
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 
Alpenländische Mission

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