Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The elect don't wear name tags, but the Spirit knows

Hello family and friends,
Transfer calls on Saturday...... who knows?!?!?!
Bus Contacting – Sharon
So this week we were trying to figure out how to find new investigators because we seem to be running an all-time low of people to teach. As I was praying one night I got the distinct impression that the elect for us at this time, are on the buses and trains that we ride. Because of other appointments that we have, we don't have a ton of time to go dooring or streeting and therefore because of our other appointment we are on trains all of the time! The only problem is that I am awful at train and bus contacting – so the Lord said that's why you need to practice. 
So having not told my companion about my prayer, the next morning she was using German In Review (the German grammar book all missionaries have) to start conversations, and one girl starts helping her, and then they start talking, and by the end we have her number! We invited her to the Relief Society activity in the evening and she CAME!!! Please pray for Sharon!! *side note: Sharon thought I was a German when we first met, I was speaking to her in German and apparently I spoke so lightly and easily that she thought I was German. She was even explaining what she did as a job to me in German and then translated it for my companion (she knew my companion was learning German because of the book earlier). It wasn't until I brought up New York and said I was from there! 
God bless America!
So for P-day we went to the American base and played sports and ate at the food court! 🌮🌯
#tacobell #speakingenglish It was really fun to be in America for a few hours! We played Ultimate frisbee (So fun!!! )
And then Sister C. taught us a BYU cheer and we learned how to cart-wheel.
We also got to help Sister S. with shopping at the Commissary (military grocery store). 
Family Home Evening! 
Last night we decided to text a bunch of people about Institute tonight, and one of the girls responded and said she could come tonight, but she couldn’t last night. So she came to FHE with her friend, and it was really fun to meet them and talk to them. We ate food and played games and talked about learning piano together!! We are excited to see them come to more activities like FHE and Institute!! 
Second talk in this ward! 😉
I gave a talk on Sunday. It was really spur of the moment (we found out Saturday night), but I felt like the Spirit really stepped in and helped me prepare something. The talk and words seemed to just flow together! I hope I got my message across—it was really cool! The email with my talk is coming soon, translated :) 
An add-on sent in a separate email:  On Saturday, I got to watch a friend from Salzburg get baptized.  She was a woman I helped teach. Sister McClellan and I were there when she first came to church and when we invited her to pray about a date to be baptized! It was amazing to watch her enter the waters of baptism (through Skype of course!) Congratulations Elena!!! 
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission



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