Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tauf Goals and Member Work!

This last week I said good bye to the legendary Sister Hunter and I temporarily was companions with Jane! We took a companion picture (attached). Her fingers are making her name tag. 😄 She is so cute! Then I welcomed Sister Woolsey!! 

Sister Woolsey comes from Southern California. She is a convert of 3 years. Her favorite color is sunset orange and she has a love for the Gospel and for sharing it like no other! I am really excited for this next transfer. We have set some amazing goals for the transfer: Some about language (we are trying for 9am-9pm German!), some about working with members, and we even set a baptismal goal!! We are ready and working hard to find those who are ready to accept the Gospel!! 
This week we had an amazing lesson with K. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and he came to FHE last night! Everyone was really welcoming, and he seems to understand what we are teaching. Last night we even found a video (President Monson's talk on Charity) translated into Urdu. It was really powerful, and one of the members came in a bore his testimony!! K. is amazing!!
Besides our amazing lesson with K., we have great plans to work with members and less-actives; we have already planned 2 appointments this week!! It is going to be good. So in short this week was full of really good planning and finding! 
I hope you all are doing well!! 
Jane and I
Sister Hunter and I on the car ride to the train station
Two pictures of Sister Woolsey and I (they are kind of makeshift pictures because we didn't have any haha)

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 😁
Alpenländische Mission


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