Saturday, August 5, 2017

"Ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect." -3 Nephi 12:48

From my scripture study this week, personal thoughts and a scripture study guide thanks to my dad, I learned that Perfect means keeping covenants and using the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It doesn't mean that we can't make mistakes. 
This week was my first baptism of the mission! Jane was baptized this week!!! She made her first covenant with God; she is becoming perfect like the Father. 
She was so cute in white. She is so ready!! 
This week I learned so much as we had tausch (exchange) and zone training and Jane's baptism and confirmation!!! 
Wednesday we had zone training! Two missionaries from my group (we were in the MTC together) spoke about faith and baptism. They were both really good! Shout out to Sister Rasmussen and Elder Joyce! We talked about being well rounded as a missionary, how we need to be doing everything! We set a zone baptismal date of 8 this quarter, which ends Sept. 30th; and 10 for the next quarter, which is from October 1st through December 31st. They really focused on working together to get our goal and working towards future transfers, future missionaries!!
We also had tausch and I went to Ludwigsburg! I learned about trying to be exactly obedience, but understanding when things don't go perfectly. She taught me ways to organize our week so that we have more time in a day and don't skip our studies or eating or planning!! 
Then JA‌NE GOT DUNKED!!! It was so cute, the whole service went swimmingly 😉. Elder Kaufusi came back from Munich because she asked him to baptize her! We had an amazing talk on baptism from a member in our ward and while Jane was getting ready, the ward wrote little notes for her. We are going to put them into a scrapbook for her!! We had a wonderful Gemeinde Essen (ward lunch) afterwards and it was so sweet. The next day, she received the Gift of the Holy Ghost!! Jane is so ready. She knows that Jesus is our Savior, that we can find answers through prayer and comfort through His Atonement. She is on her way! She is amazing! JANE IS A MORMON!!! 

Today we went to see a castle!! Pictures attached! 
One of the major things I learned from all of the events this week is the true definition of perfect. I never thought I was perfect but I was trying to be, by giving the most lessons without mistakes and awkwardness, finding a ton of potentials, know how to work with members--all by myself, because that is what I thought perfect meant. I knew it wasn't possible without Christ, but somehow that is what I was trying to do. We need to have our own personal time in the scriptures (from zone training). We need the Holy Ghost to guide us in our study (Distrikt meeting). We need to let other people inspire us but not compare ourselves to them (working with zone leaders). And we need to humble ourselves enough to hear the whisper of the Spirit and to ask for help (getting a blessing). He loves us and He is there to guide us and bring us home. 
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." - Matthew 5:48
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 😁
Alpenländische Mission


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