Friday, August 18, 2017

Making Things New and Mixing It Up!!

Hallo Friends!!!!

First things first. Transfers are coming up!  Transfers calls are on Saturday, and transfers are a day early, so next week...


Member appointments: We had quite a few member appointments this past week!! We learned of a new "spiritual thought" where we go through getting to know the members and then we ask them for people they can serve, and we see if there is someone we can help. It works really well, and we have really gotten to know the members so much better through it. We are trying a new idea this week of bringing the young women with us to go by on less-actives. We are really excited about it.
"Die Ausstellung": We tried doing the street display this week but it looks so sad that by the time we got back from lunch the elders had it packed up. We ran back to the center and had an emergency meeting on how to fix it. People were laughing at us because it looked so unprofessional--not the best reputation so... We have a whole plan; we ordered a banner (which took us 3 days to figure out a color--don't let 6 young adults try and pick a color that is super important 😉)
Volleyball: We went and played volleyball today!! It was super fun! We all travelled to this volleyball pit on the other side of the zone and we played beach volleyball! The other district joined too and we had a barbeque and a water balloon fight! 
Service: So along with member work and finding on the street, we have been focusing on service. We did service for quite a few people, one in a homeless shelter, and we taught German to a refugee family! 
"Maxim got an answer to his prayer"! We have this amazing investigator (he is like our only consistent one 😶) and we had an amazing lesson on the Restoration! He asks such amazing questions and he is really thinking about all aspects!! He has been praying and he got an answer! He knows God answers our questions!! I am so excited to meet again this week! 
Jeanne made us lunch and cut Sister Hunter's hair!!! 😎

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 😁
Alpenländische Mission


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