Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Making Things New and Mixing It Up, Part II

Okay world of friends, here you go....

I am staying here in the wonderful land of Stuttgart, and my amazing companion is going to Switzerland to finish up training!!! She will be amazing!!

Doing Vorbei's with the Junge Damen (going by on people with the young women- this is often how I speak in Denglisch)

We started a new project this week where we take the young women and we go by on people who are less active. We are hoping it will build our trust with the young women and their families, allow them to trust us with referrals, boost their desire to serve missions, and help the less active young women that we go by on to have a desire to come back to church. Sadly this time both people did not live at the address we had for them, so it was a bust, but the young women seemed to have fun anyway. It was fun even in the rain (one of the young women's mom drove us!)  It was really fun and we are excited to do it again hopefully this week!! 

A Class A Ausstellung -  now we can compete with UNICEF 

Remember from last week how our street display was really bad, and everyone was laughing at us, so the elders packed it up? Well we planned to make changes and changes we made!! No more temple of Book of Mormons and a dusty stained table clothe. NO! We ordered a whole new banner and we simplified our table down to one question! Who are the Mormons? We had 100X more energy. We all stayed at the table and people actually approached us with questions!! It looks so good!! Our goal was to look as professional as UNICEF!! And I think we schaft (accomplished) it!! Our table is sleek and organized and we even had candy! Look at the picture below! 

We were also able to meet with quite a few members and share the Gospel with them and look for people that we can visit. It has been a great week!! 

Today is President Monson's birthday!! Go do something for someone else today and I would love to hear about what you did! 

Viel Gluck zur Sister H. in der Schweiz.

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 

Alpenländische Mission

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