Friday, April 14, 2017

Wait, what just happened? 😄 (And hump day to boot)


This past week was crazy!! A couple of days we had appointments before 10, which means leaving apartment pretty early... We were able to visit quite a few people, members, and non-members!! Quick overview into life in Salzburg:

Monday: We had an FHE appointment with a member, and it was a ton of fun!! We played a game with dice and guessing how many numbers will show up each round. It was explained to us in German, and I am bad with understanding games in English, so I learned as we played. It was really fun, and I was the last missionary in the game, so… 

Tuesday: We had Distrikt meeting, always a highlight. I felt like we learned quite a bit from talking and it was refreshing to meet with other missionaries, and to hear how they are doing, and to try and help each other. We also had an appointment with one of our progressing investigators. It ended up being a service project, but that is fine too. 

Wednesday: Crazy day number 1! Our first appointment for the day was supposed to be at 10, and we had planned back-to-back appointments (four appointments total). Three of the people were able to meet, and that was so cool! It was fun; we were able to go visit a member who broke her foot and she was so cute and helping us get to know the ward better. And we showed her the new Easter video! (Have you watched it yet? No? Go watch it at!) We also met with a little old lady who showed us pictures of her grandkids (and we know one of her grandsons, so it was really funny). She is so cute!

Thursday: What even happened? We had three appointments, which all went longer than we hopped for, but that is okay! We had an appointment with a referral, and he only speaks Persian. So we spent two hours explaining Jesus Christ and how we can find answers through prayer, I now have a Persian keyboard on my tablet if anyone needs one, ha ha. We are also teaching a member German and that is super fun! 

Friday: We had weekly planning and we had a member lunch appointment with three super cute kids!!! We also met a person on the street when passing out cards, and she invited us to her birthday dinner Saturday night!

Saturday: We passed out cards to share (#princeofpeace) and shared the peace of Easter and then we went to our new friends birthday dinner. It was really fun, talking to and getting to know new people!

Sunday: Two of our progressing investigators came to church!!!! We were super busy with that, helping members to introduce themselves, and sit with them (this ward is amazing), and helping them understand and feel comfortable!! It was the most fun Sunday ever!!! It was great!! Tiring but amazing!!! Then a random guy we talked to on the street showed up for Sunday School and invited us over for dinner. Unfortunately we couldn't go, and now he isn't answering us. But we had two people at church and we meet the older kids of one of them!!! It was amazing!!

I just want to invite you all this week to take some quiet time. This life is so busy and either spend it with family or alone. But read in the scriptures or go outside on a nature walk. Spend some time, maybe 15 minutes or more, and just see God's hand in your life. I have come to KNOW that God loves me as I have noticed Him in the small moments of my life!

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

I hit 9 months this week and my adorable companion decorated for me!!! Ach, that's crazy!!! Nine months!!! 




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