Friday, April 7, 2017

Conference and other Adventures

Hallo Freunde,

I wanted to first give you a quick insight into the world of Sister Anderson this past week! 

Monday: We toured Salzburg and had a leisurely snack at a small cafe on top of the old city wall. 

Tuesday: We had an amazing District Meeting. The Spirit was so strong, we learned a lot and I even participated in German!! We then went and got ice cream with Aflique. Anyone who has served in Salzburg knows her! She is so cute!! 

Wednesday: We had an appointment with our investigator, and our Ward Mission Leader came as a joint teach!! It was so good! As a missionary being able to have members come along helps to solidify what we say as a living example—that the principles we teach can be lived and it is worth it!!

Thursday: We had a lunch appointment and unfortunately that was all we did that day because I ended up being sick, but all is well, I slept it off, and my companion called every less active on the ward list!! 

Friday: We did weekly planning for this week and it took us a few hours (that's normal), but we are so ready for this next week!! I am so excited!!! Good planning and goal setting really invigorates and motivates you!!

Saturday and Sunday: We watched General Conference!!!!

So General Conference!!! Did you watch it??? No? Repent ye. Repent ye. Just kidding.
But it was really good, and I highly suggest watching it either for the first time or again.

I really felt that most of the talks this week were geared towards us getting ready for the Second Coming! (Visit if you don't know the Latter-day Saint belief on Jesus Christ's triumphant return). The time is coming and we need to be prepared! Our testimonies must be firmly rooted in Jesus Christ. We must know God the Father and the role of the Holy Ghost. We need to be reading, studying and applying the Book of Mormon in our lives!! We need to be helping others, serving, and supporting!! But one thing that really hit me in General Conference is that we need to be loving!! The Lord is always there for us in a kind and gentle manner. We should also be there for our fellow man in a kind and supportive manner. This song we have to sing has some tricky parts and some people may be tempted to leave the stage or to just go silent, but when we stand by them and sing with them, then they have the courage to keep singing and to finish strong. As Elder Holland said we all have part to sing in this beautiful worldwide choir. We all have a part that is needed. When we seek the Spirit, we can discern what our part is and how we can help others. 

I also want to share with you a beautiful video the Church released this past week for Easter (go visit, it testifies of Christ's rolls as our Savior and Redeemer!! I want you to know that He lives and that He loves us, and that when you are struggling, He is there. And when you aren't, He is also there!! He is always there!!  

My challenge? For your go watch and re-watch General Conference, and for your friends to watch and share the Prince of Peace video!!! It's so good!!! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 
Alpenländische Mission

Pictures: ice cream, when you have 400 to stamp and love it!! Mirabell gardens, my Dirndl for Conference and Salzburg



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