Saturday, April 1, 2017

Just keep shoveling sand

Alle meine Freunde,

This week quite a few things happened: good, bad, and indifferent. We are facing some struggles with our friend who had a baptismal date, which is causing us to rethink the date and push out a little further. If you are the praying type, please pray for my investigator (and if you’re not, I can teach you how in English and German). With that aside, we happily celebrated the 175th birthday of Relief Society (and our investigator came too!) with a party and a dinner prepared by the men of our ward! It was really fun!! Relief Society is the biggest and oldest women's organization in the world, created to help women lead and serve others!! 

This week we had 2 appointments with our progressing investigators! Yeah!! We were able to help set up for the FHV Activity and then participate in that. And on Sunday we were invited to a member’s home with the Matthews (the senior couple serving in our area), and that was a lot of fun!!! Their children are so cute, and the couple is so cute too. When I grow up I want to be like them, ha ha. It was really fun and then we had FHA (Family Home Evening) at the Matthews! We have been doing quite of bit of finding, which is amazing because it can be a ton of fun and really rewarding!! We had some off days but that is the amazing part about [having] other missionaries in the same area. At FHA I was able ask Elder Smith, (whose birthday was yesterday—Sister Matthews made a cake for him) for some ideas, and I think Sister McClellan and I have a new approach that will help our efforts!!  Sister McClellan is also really good at working with members and learning names and that is definitely something I need to work on, which is great because I get to learn a lot from her!!

We also had Zone Conference, which included all of Austria!! President and Sister Kohler both spoke about being patient and enduring. It is amazing how close they are to the Lord to know exactly what we (or at least I) needed to hear and it is amazing. We really are just free standing obelisks... wait what?!?! President Kohler explained how to build an obelisk in ancient times and basically they just dug sand forever with very little notice of improvement. They were told that what they were doing was important but they couldn't see it. Sound familiar? We all go through times where we are seeing no improvement even though we are working so hard. He encouraged us to just keep digging sand don't stop, or you won't ever get anywhere. We are all free standing obelisks or we are obelisks working on becoming free standing. When you get tired of praying or reading your scriptures, pray harder, and study with more intent. 

With the words of Sister Kohler  Be patient in becoming who you want to be. Be patient in waiting for answers from the Lord. And be patient in trials and pains. 

We toured Salzburg today for P-Day and here are some pictures!! 
And yes, du brauchst Jesus (you need Jesus) 

Alles Liebe,
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

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