Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Don't let Sister Anderson make Maultaschen

Hallo beautiful world!!

It really is such a beautiful world, I hope as spring draws nearer, we all are able to enjoy the beautiful world that a Loving Heavenly Father has created for us!! 

Our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ have provided so many things for us. One of which is the Plan of Salvation. We as missionaries often ask people if they think about where we come from, where we are going, and why we are here! Well, all three of those questions can be answered in God's Plan of Happiness or His Plan of Salvation. It is better explained in this video:

But part of that plan is to learn and grow on this Earth. And we can do that in a variety of ways, but one way is that God has provided us with prophets. Prophets are righteous men, who are called of God to declare His word. They help us interpret scripture, know of dangers, and tell us how much God loves and cares about us! Twice a year we have the opportunity to listen to God's Prophet and Apostles!! This is called General Conference!! General Conference is coming up March 25 for the Women’s Session and April 1-2 for everyone! I invite you all to think of a question or two and write them down, and then watch General Conference. I know that you will find your answer! I have done it and I know it works!! 

This past week was super crazy as Sister Miller was preparing to go home, which is double trouble because she is leaving the area. So we are super busy saying goodbye to everyone, and then she also needs to pack and get her luggage under 50 pounds, and all the other things a missionary has to do before they leave (e.g. paperwork, device picture transfer stuff, etc.). It’s crazy!! I am sad to leave Sister Miller; it was fun being her last companion, and to be able to learn so much from such an experienced missionary. She is going to be amazing at BYUI in the fall!! 

Then transfer day!! 

I got to see a bunch of missionaries that I haven’t seen in a while, including my trainer, SISTER WHITING! I don’t have any pictures yet because Sister Whiting has them. We said goodbyes and hellos, and now Salzburg has Elder Smith (we served in Schwammedingen together) and Sister McClellan!! 

Sister McClellan comes from Mapleton, Utah and has 7 siblings. She wants to major in journalism and she says her favorite color is green. She is an amazing missionary; it is going to be an amazing 5 weeks!  

I am excited for this next transfer!!! Keep the faith and I love to hear if you learn anything cool in your scripture study!! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

Me trying to make Maultaschen. Sister Miller would be so disappointed (sorry, Sister Miller; it still tasted good...) 
Sister Miller's last visit with Aflique
A bunny we found while dooring!!! 




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