Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week of all Weeks

MONTAG: Hair Cuts and Göppingen Elders 
* So my hair has not been cut since before college and it was super bad and unhealthy I was talking about it to one of the members in my branch, and she offered to cut my hair for me, just a trim so it would be healthy again!! I never knew a hair cut could make you feel so good, but it looks so healthy again!!! (yes the member is an American, and no I do not trust my speaking abilities and a German with scissors and my hair) 
* On the way home it was dark and part of our walk home is not well lit so we called the Göppingen Elders on the walk home for safety; they were very nice about it, and I think it helped Sister Whiting feel more comfortable!
DIENSTAG: Passport Check and Rat Peed on Me
* On the way to Distrikt Meeting, a lady checked our ticket and my hair was hiding my name tag and Sister Whiting wasn't wearing one (she borrowed mine for the day because we were late, and she forgot hers, and to not cause confusion she took it off before the lady checked our tags), and so they lady asked to see our passports. It caught us a little off guard, but we had our copies with us so it was fine!
* Yeah one of our less actives had a really rough day so we went by to see her, and she brought her rat out to see us, and Sister W***** was so scared of it, so I picked it up hoping that she would be less scared knowing it was in one place not moving. Well it peed all over me so.... 
MITTWOCH: Apple Cut open with Head
* In the MTC Elder J***** showed us you can cut an apple open with your head, so I tried it this week and it worked! I need to take a video of me doing it, but here is a picture of the evidence!!
DONNERSTAG: Sister W*****'s Birthday
* The members are so cute here; they made special treats and bought Sister W***** gifts for her birthday!! Sisters from our Zone called too, and it was so cute! Another fun surprise was her last companion went home on Wednesday, but her family came to pick her up, so she was visiting a member that we were going to visit for dinner and she surprised Sister W*****!! I think that made her whole day!!! Picture below is of an Egel or hedgehog!!!
FREITAG: Full Straßenbahn and Dropping our Investigator
* We tried to catch the Straßenbahn to the church for weekly planning, but it was so full you couldn't fit another person on. People were standing in just barely so the doors could close. Someone tried to get on, and people pushed him off. As you watched the people inside they looked so squished and awkward. Sister W***** said she had never seen that before (I think we just hit it at the wrong time; school was getting out).
* I was so sad because we had to drop an investigator because he hasn't been showing up to any of his appointments. He had a baptismal date and everything :( I guess that is pretty common with Africans, but it was so sad.
GENERALKONFERENZ: Okay now for the best part of three while week!!!!
For my friends of other faiths, as Latter-day Saints we believe in modern day prophets who have the power and authority to speak for God like Adam and Moses and Abraham of old, except they live today and receive revelation for us today! How cool is that?!?! So twice a year we gather as saints all over the world for General Conference and listen to the Prophet and Apostles (like the 12 Apostles in the New Testament) speak on inspired topics meant just for us today! This past weekend was General Conference!
It is hard to pick your favorite general conference talk because they are all so good, but a few of the ones that stood out to me are:
Dean Davies
Peter Meurs
J. Devn Cornish
Dallin Oaks
I really encourage you if you didn't watch it to watch it. If you are not LDS, I promise you this, if you have a question for God that you want answered you can and will receive it if you watch part (or all is even better) of General Conference. I know this because I have done it many times and it works. The link is above to all sessions of General Conference!
NEW TESTAMENT READING: My mission president sent out an invitation for all the missionaries to finish the New Testament by the end of the year in preparation for Christmas. I have accepted the invitation and I invite all of you to do the same.
Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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