Thursday, September 29, 2016

Transfer Calls and Bible Prophesies


TAUSCH: So every transfer the sisters exchange or tausch (Auf deutsch) with the Sister Training Leaders (STL's) to see how other missionaries work and do things and for the STL'S to see how each companionship is working. So I tausched (not a German word) with Sister Von Hacht, a native German from Hamburg. Pictures are included of course ha ha. It was fun to see some new people and to talk to her about German and she looked at my 100 phrases page and corrected it for me!!!! It was fun!!
I feel like tausching (definitely made that word up) gives you the chance to take a break from the daily routine and reevaluate your goals and how you are working with your companion. I know that it gave me a new perspective. I realized that many of my problems were me and that they often revolved around food. Yes I do not do well if I am hungry and Sister Whiting now realizes that so if we ever disagree we first decide if I am hungry and then we feed me. Most of our contention comes from that. So yup mom you were right! My mission Mom agrees with you, I just always need to have food in me. 

TRANSFER: So this topic has a few things
* Bible Prophesies * Transfer calls * District call
So first bible prophesy—it sounds apostate I know, but it’s all good intentions I promise ha ha. Okay so we do a group phone call with our district and then you have someone do your prophesy for you and through a series of narrowing down the Old Testament you get 3 verses and then they read it and prophesy. My verses were Leviticus 16:21-23 and Elder Lingen said I would be pink washing (where sisters replace elders) or in some kind of leadership like district leader (not possible because only Elders are DL's here, that I would be going to München or Switzerland with a "fit man" and be an excellent missionary.
     Second— the zone leaders call you to tell you where you are going unless you are going into a leadership position then Präsident calls. So if the phone says President Kohler you freak out. Anyway they call at 7ish and usually the longer they wait to call the higher the chance it is that President will call you. It's 7:15 and the Zone Leaders call, Sister Whiting and I are one of the few that are staying the same in the whole zone!!!
     Third—shortly after, Ellwangen (our District leader's area) calls on a group call, Elder Donald, our DL, is going to München to be a Zone leader (prophesied that—kind of just saying) and Elder Lingen is going to be in the Buro, which is exciting because then when I have questions I can know who I am talking too! (I think he will be a tablet Elder too, which means he can help me with my tablet)

VISA: I have officially submitted my VISA papers after much trouble and multiple pictures taken because they are very picky here about size and clearness. My VISA should arrive in a couple of weeks just in time too!

SERVICE: Our branch president heats with wood, so we went over and we're helping him and his wife stack wood, which made me just think about Elder Collyer, and the Jardines, and Grandma the entire time because I was thinking they would do this and that and this ha ha. It was fun! I am getting better at practicing my German at times like that klein oder groß? eins mehr?

INSPIRATIONAL SCRIPTURE: So Sister Whiting and I have quite a few people we are working with who we would like to share a daily inspiration scripture with, if you know of any please send them to me we are making a list and would love your ideas!!

MOTIVATION STORY: So the other night before bed we're talking (as always, we talk so much. Can you imagine?) and I said tomorrow at church everyone is going to come to church and then I said and guess what the biggest surprise is going to be? She said what I said B*** is going to come (He is the husband of member but is not a member himself. His son was just baptized, but he seems kind of against church, so it would be a shock if he showed up). Anyway that was just to dream big and be positive then at church he actually came!!!!!! With his whole family and stayed for all of church and the branch stepped up and fellowshipped him. Sister Whiting and I were in shock, I was glowing I was so happy!!!!!! HE CAME TO CHURCH!!!

DIRNDLS: On Sunday I also got to wear a traditional Dirndl, because Sister Whiting wanted to wear them, but I haven't bought one yet, so she let me borrow one of hers and it's authentic!! Isn't it cute!?!?!? I want to buy one but they are expensive so I am waiting until I find one I really like!!

AUF DEUTSCH? BITTE I also gave my testimony of General Conference (it was more of a talk) on Sunday in my Dirndl as well and spoke to the Primary about missionary work all Auf Deutsch!!!! (My talk was totally written out and read from but hey I wrote it myself without outside help!!! So)

DISTRIKT P-DAY: We went to Geislingen, this cute little town that is on both our cards and Göppingen's, so Ellwangen were the only ones that had to pay out of pocket. We climbed in and around a castle and bought chocolate and gummy stuff. I approved!

CHRISTMAS: I already have a place to go for Christmas. Our branch President offered already and said the early bird gets the worm, he loves English idioms, ha ha. So as long as I am here I will have somewhere to be on Christmas Day!

GENERAL CONFERENCE: DON'T FORGET TO WATCH IT!!! Here because of the time difference we watch it like all day Sunday. We watch the Woman's Session Saturday then, the two Saturday sessions on Sunday, and the morning Sunday session we watch live!!! Then we have to find time to watch the Sunday afternoon session later on, on our own time.

Helaman 5:49 "And there were about three hundred souls who saw and heard these things; and they were bidden to go forth and marvel not, neither should they doubt." Doubt your doubt before your faith. Sometimes in the midst of a trial that is the hardest thing to do, but think of Peter as if you were walking on water, do that get-scared look to the Savior and all will be made clear in due time. Sister Whiting helped me realize that this week when I tried to invite someone to be baptized and all my German ran out if my head. It was because I was scared.  NEITHER SHOULD THEY DOUBT!!!

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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