Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Healing and Redeeming Power

Hallo die Welt,

We had an appointment with a member on Montag (Monday) and it was super fun teaching the little kids how to be missionaries. They are an American family, so it was nice to be able to speak in English and to compare the differences between the two because they totally understand.

We had ZONE TRAINING (Dienstag /Tuesday) TAUSCH (Dienstag durch Mittwoch/Tuesday through Wednesday)! Zone training was really cool because the AP’s came and shared some insights and we did a whole lot of roll plays; most people don't like them and they are usually very awkward, but I have found even in my short time out that I learn so much from them!!! The theme for our transfer is FIND THE ONE LEAVE HIS LEGACY! I think that is super important to focus on finding the elite because then you will be more concentrated.  I got to Tausch with Sister M***** and Sister W***** tausched with Sister P**** (okay funny story break **** Sister P***** was in my MTC Distrikt and room, and she wanted Sister W***** to be her trainer, but then I got her. They graduated together and then they were companions for 24 hours)

I learned so much from Tausch. I had been praying and praying to figure out how to make our companionship better and how to get it the way we both wanted it to be. I was reading in the New Testament, trying to catch up and I read a passage that literally answered my whole question and then Sister M***** and I were talking, and she said a few other things that kind of hit me in the face. I have realized that is one thing that happens a lot on your mission; you’re going along and then something you read or hear hits you in the face and your like OKAY OKAY. I know I need to work on that!

Wednesday came and Sister M***** and I went finding and we were able to pass out some cards!!  I really need to work on my finding abilities because I just get really nervous...

Overall this week has been full of ups and downs. We had to drop another investigator and then we went through our white board of investigators and cleaned it out and we have three investigators: one we can't get a hold of, one we haven't met with in a while, and the other is a truck driver, so he is gone for extended periods of time... We got a referral and met with them but he wasn’t interested and because of his background we would need permission to teach him anyways. (Muslims require permission and a lot of questions and so forth to teach out of the interest of their safety and that of their family)

I feel like we are mostly working with the less actives which is great!  ONE OF OUR LESS ACTIVES CAME TO CHURCH!!!!!!!! Sister W***** walked to her house to pick her up and walked with her to Church. Please pray that Schwester F***** will continue coming to Church!!

So because I feel like we aren't working with anyone (we literally have zero progression getting investigators, and I had no motivation to go out finding) I was getting really stressed and so I prayed asking for help. I had an overwhelming feeling I CAN NOT DO THIS ON MY OWN. I CAN ONLY DO THIS, FINISH MY MISSION THROUGH HIM AND HIS GREAT MERCIFUL ATONEMENT!

I realized some areas that I need to work on and overall that I need to rely on His Atonement every day.

I know that the only way through life is through His Atonement. The Atonement is the center of everything we do as missionaries, as members of His Church! There would be no plan (2 Nephi 9), no need for the Gospel and baptism (3 Nephi 11:27), no need for the Restoration if there was no Atonement. We would be cursed for eternity by our own weakness BUT THERE IS AN ATONEMENT, THERE IS HOPE, THERE IS A WAY BACK (Alma 42:13-15).

By the way I found my formatting skills on my tablet. Ha ha

Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

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