Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Lord knows what you need before you do


PRIESTHOOD BLESSINGS: So this week was District meeting!! My companion and I have been struggling this past week, so we asked the Elders to give us a blessing. She got a comfort blessing and I got a healing blessing, but they both ended up being comfort blessings! It is amazing how we didn't really give them much information on why we needed a blessing, and yet they said the words we needed. The Spirit in the room was almost tangible! My companion and I talked about it afterwards and literally the blessing said what we needed to hear! I am so thankful to live in a time when the Priesthood is on the earth! article/importance-of- priesthood-blessings?lang=eng

FRENCH INVESTIGATOR: So one of our investigators is from a French speaking part of Africa so he speaks French and German. So we teach in German, but all of the materials we give him are in French. We showed him the Restoration film in French and it was as really cool to me. I don't know why but it affirmed to me that the work is truly pressing forward and that it must be taught to people in their own tongue. That is the way Heavenly Father has it planned!  (D&C 90:11) 

STAKE CONFERENCE: Twice a year we have Stake Conference and this past weekend was Stake Conference. It was exhausting physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually. We left our apartment in the early afternoon on Saturday and then stayed with the Sister Training Leaders (STL's) that night and didn't get home until yesterday. So it was a long day and the other sisters also stayed there, so there were a lot of sisters! Then everything was in German, which was good but also difficult but somehow I learned so much. I don't know what anyone was saying – except Sister K when she spoke – but somehow I learned through the spirit. I don't think I learned what they were talking about but the Lord taught me what I needed to know, He answered some questions that had been on my mind!!! 

FAST FOOD: So they have a bunch of fast food restaurants here, like American fast food restaurants--like Subway and McDonald’s and it makes me laugh so hard. We stopped and got Subway and it made my whole day because anyone that knows me knows I love Subway. A member bought us some McDonald's and they said that the American fries were probably more like what we are used to. We tried to say that regular McDonald fries are American fries, but they didn't believe us so we got "American" fries. One thing here is they have so many "American" things, some of them really are American like American bread is white bread back home but American fries and Salad dressing are not. Ha ha.
Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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