Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I Can Speak Good English

DISTRIKT MEETING!: We had our first Distrikt meeting this week and it was so much fun! For those of you who don't know our mission is divided up into zones, and then districts, and then areas. So our District has 2 other sets of Elders and then our area. It's fun because half our District is new and the other half is almost done with their mission. I am a golden and my trainer is at month 10! Then we have Elder Z. who is a second transfer golden and his trainer goes home with my trainer and then the Distrikt leader is greenie busting (his companion was a golden last transfer, so basically you are a golden for 2 transfers and then you get greenie busted for 2 transfers typically and then you have been out on your mission for 6 months and you don't get a cool name) and he has 6 months left. So that was fun! Our Distrikt seems really nice!

FIRST POTENTIAL!!!!: So we had an appointment after district meeting with a less active who actually goes to another ward, but lives in our area so we did a joint lesson with the Elders and that was fun! But I was really lost because the only one who was maybe on the same page as me as far as German goes was Elder Z. And he at least has one transfer ahead of me. But it was fun and it motivated me to learn more. We were walking home and I had the urge to just keep learning the language, so I pulled out my keys and asked what they were called. We didn't know how to pluralize it so I asked a random lady (FYI der Schlüssel, die Schlüssel who knew?), and she walked with us all the way home (well we were careful not to tell her where we live), and she asked for our number!!!!!! We had another appointment with her at the end of the week!!

WORDS OF THE LIVING PROPHETS: I have come to gain a stronger testimony of the importance of listening to the prophets. So when people send me General Conference talks I download the audio and listen to it in the morning! It is so cool to follow the Spirit and listen to a talk in the morning because then I almost always refer to it either in an actual lesson or just in my mind that day. Personal Study has had the same effect! I just know how important it is for us to keep our tripod of support up (scripture study, prayer and church attendance). We fall with only 1 or 2 of these things.

Temple Dedication: So the temple was rededicated on Sunday so we got to go to the dedication at the stake center. It is amazing to know that the Lord's work is progressing! Now the temple is rededicated to the Lord, and people can go and preform those sacred ordinances again!!!

To explain the subject line of this post – I was trying to practice German, and this African started talking to us and he might of said English is good or English easy but I heard "your English is good" and I was thinking to myself I would hope so.

The stake building (they have English and German wards).
The sunset.
My bunny wants to be like Jesus!
My companion and I.
A memorial we found at a park where we teach some of our investigators in.
Ducks at the same park!

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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