Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hot Chocolate and Spaghetti Eis


HOT CHOCOLATE: They have a hot chocolate place where they bring out hot foaming milk and a chocolate bar and you drop the chocolate bar in and use a stirrer to mix it together.

SPAGHETTI EIS: (picture below) It's literally ice cream that looks like spaghetti, it comes in lots of flavors though it's just the type of ice cream scoop they have.

CREPES: I chose to eat crepes instead because they looked really good! All the Nutella.  I have learned to love Nutella more and more on my mission!!

NEW YORK: They love New York. They have a store called the New Yorker and people are constantly wearing new York stuff or American stuff in general. It's easier to find American merchandise here than German merchandise. Also in Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof they have signs of Bahnhof's all over the world, so I naturally took a picture next to Grand Central Station.

ZONE CONFERENCE: So we had Zone Conference this past week so I that was the coolest thing ever!!! Our mission is so big geographically and covers so many countries that for zone conference it is our Zone and half of a Swiss Zone  (the half that is actually in Germany) and so I got to see some friends I haven't seen in forever!!! Like Sister Rasmussen!!!  Also it was really cool to get together with other missionaries and the Mission President and his Wife to reevaluate where we are. It was interesting President said "What is our problem as a mission? Some missions it's obedience, but what is ours?" And I was thinking motivation, but I also thought "you don't know you have only been here for 4 weeks" and then another older missionary said motivation too, and everyone agreed. It was interesting to see the Spirit work through us like that. I have come to realize that is my biggest problem as well – Motivation!! I follow the rules and do everything I am supposed to, but am I being productive all of the time or am I doing them for the right reasons? Am I motivated to please my Savior and bring others unto Him! I have really had to think about that this week!

We watched this really cool videos about when we don't put limits on ourselves we can suddenly do so much more than we think we can! That is what I am working on is putting less limits on myself both consciously and subconsciously. It was about this football team and how the quarterback didn't have faith in his team and then he had to do a dead man crawl to the 50-yard line with a teammate on his back blindfolded. And he started and he asked if he was at the 20-yard line, and his teammates were mocking him and then as he kept going his teammates were silenced and they started reverently walking over. He went the whole length of the field, and the coach said, “Look, you are in the end zone, Brock! With a 140-lb man!” And the teammate said, “Um Coach, I weigh 160!” So motivating!

Don't put limits on yourself. Put the blinders on and just go until you can't. The Lord will bless you for your efforts. Whatever is your best is good enough, but are you doing your best?

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission



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