Thursday, November 9, 2017

Welcome back my friends

Hallo Freunde,

This last week was so unadventurous because we were both sick half the week. We stayed inside all day Wednesday and Thursday. We only went out in the evening to get some fresh air and to go to the convenience store. Friday was spent cleaning and organizing our apartment again since it was kind of a disaster (we have bunk beds, and so that it was easier for us to use the bathroom, etc., I had been sleeping on a mattress pulled out onto the floor. Haha).

SATURDAY: We were back in action. We went and served the less-active and finished up the pamphlet project we had started with her and then we went to meet up with a Potential. Unfortunately she doesn't have interest in the Gospel, but she is really fun and showed us a cool cafe! 

SUNDAY: We went to Church and we had an amazing lesson in Relief Society by our Relief Society president on miracles. She asked what defines a miracle and then she asked us the same question President Ballard asked us at the broadcast. Do you believe in miracles? Many people today believe that miracles stopped with the Apostles. Joseph Smith was told that, and we hear similar responses from people on the street, but as members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we know that God is the same and he's still works miracles today. But just like with the prophets, miracles come as a blessing of our faith. After Church we had an appointment with the Elders and an American family, and it was so fun! It is great to be able to work with other missionaries.

MONDAY: We didn't have district meeting so we decided to mix it up and go finding by the University! Wow, we first stopped by a member and asked if we could pray with them for the Lord's help in finding! They offered to make us food! So we decided to go finding for 45-ish minutes and then come back for food! And then we went back out finding!! Ready for this? First round - We stop this guy from China and he gives great answers, and talks about how he has had a hard life. We got his number so we can give him a Book of Mormon in Chinese! 

Then round two - We head out and we stop a German but we spoke in English (after living in New Zealand for a year, he was missing English) and we asked if he had 20 minutes. And guess what he did!! We taught him about the Restoration and we gave him a Book of Mormon. We are so excited for them; please pray for them, David and Fabian! 

Today, we are going on a hike!!! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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