Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wie sagt man das auf Englisch?

Hallo Freunde,

We have made a great start to my last transfer. Stuttgart is on fire and oh mensch I don't think I have ever laughed so much in my life!

We have a new elder (the only change to our ward and our district). He is Elder Peterson! If anyone knows Elder Peterson, you know what I am talking about! It's awesome!! 

Highlights of this week:

Wednesday:  Sister Hunter came back to Stuttgart and it was Jeanne's birthday!! 

Thursday and Friday: We had service projects: one to clean a house for the family to move, and the other to set up for the women's day on Saturday! 

Saturday: We went to a little girl’s baptism in our ward and had the women's day! 

Sunday: We had two member appointments: one was with our ward mission leader!! We have been trying to meet with him and share a message the whole time I have been here!! It was so great for it to finally work out. He and his wife are so funny and really sweet!

Now the stories! 

Junior – I met him last week actually and forgot to write about it. So I was talking to him on the Bahn and he didn't have great German and I am no native and I can't speak his mother language (Spanish – should have paid better attention in high school) and he can't speak mine. So we tried our best and then I wasn't able to get his number, but I gave him mine and my Facebook name. I got home and I asked Sister Woolsey if we could pray that he would call and as soon as I finished asking the phone rang!! He came with us to football on Thursday and met two members who also speak Spanish. And we had to leave early but the elders took over and said they would show him the way home!! We are hoping to meet with him this week!!! (Pray he will accept our message!)

Miyuko – We went through and texted people to see if they really had interest to meet with us and she texted us back and apologized for the long time not answering – that things were more in order now and that she would love to meet. A few days later we invited her to the Frauentag (Women's Day) where we ate breakfast and had workshops. SHE CAME!!! And there was a baptism afterwards and SHE STAYED!!! We have a friend from Korea, whom she got to know, and we have an appointment for tonight where we will better explain baptism, and we have an RM from Japan coming to translate!!! We are so excited!!!!

I am not really sure what happens in my brain when I translate; it is a way cool experience!! I was able to translate for some American members at the Frauentag and then I translated on Sunday for our friend from Korea in sacrament meeting and a new American member in Relief Society. Then yesterday I helped our German friend talk to Elder Stephensen because he can't speak German. It is really cool and totally crazy to me that I can hear something in a foreign language and completely understand without effort! (Of course there are still people with a thick dialect that I can't understand) I am really loving German!!

So I finally got all the pictures from our friend Christina so...

1) Me playing my GML's bass.
2) GML (ward mission Leader) and his wife.
3) My GML driving on the autobahn! That is 130 mph.
4) Us learning German (Christina is teaching us German for a project of hers)
5) Us working hard
6) Sister Hunter, Woolsey, Christina and I
7) Us learning more German
8) Yes we put a Book of Mormon in the Book exchange as well 
9) Us at the Institute Halloween party
10) Us at the Institute Halloween party
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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