Friday, June 30, 2017

European Bus Drivers Are Heros - They Can Literally Do Anything

So I think I would trust European bus drivers with literally my life; they drive around all day in the craziest of situations and somehow make it out all right!! 

Mittwoch - Lessons:
We had a lesson with our baptismal date investigator!! She even has a friend who is investigating too!! We also had a lesson with a less-active and saw some cool statues on the way home!!! (Pictures attached)

Donnerstag - Cleaning Day:
So this is an exciting day. We cleaned and cleaned and took a break to visit a less-active and then cleaned and cleaned some more!! 

Freitag - Sharing our beliefs:
On Thursday we got a random call from a lady, and she said she was doing a project for school and she needed to compare different beliefs on the Bible because she was Catholic. So we made an appointment for the next day; she was very surprised!! We started out describing our beliefs in German and we explained the Book of Mormon and prophets, and she was writing our answers down. She then asked about evolution.... We got the Senior Couple in to help answer that and the conversation switched to English. After a while she was done with her written questions and she was just asking questions that interested her and she wasn't writing down the answers. We ended up giving her a huge pile of materials to help her with her paper and she offered to give us a tour of Stuttgart some day!

We had another amazing lesson with Jane (baptismal date)

Samstag - Referring people and Member support:
This week we got the opportunity to refer two of our investigators to other missionaries in our zone. It is sad to not be able to work with them, but fun to help out other missionaries in our Zone!!  

We had 5 members come to our Street Support. They add a whole other level to the street display. It was amazing. Now we just need to work on their confidence!! 

Sonntag - Gathering the Elect:
We had amazing lesson with an investigator from China. He is so ready. This shows that the Lord is gathering his people despite restrictions that some countries have. The gathering of Israel is happening in Germany; who would of thought? 

Montag - Translating:
I got to translate for a member at FHE and it was fun experience!! 

We had a couple of member appointments this week, which are always fun and five members came to our street display. The ward is so supportive!! 

One thing that I have been thinking a lot about lately is the idea of how God is literally always there. We just need to reach out and ask for His help. No matter how small we think our problem is, He is always there! That is a doctrinal truth; that He is always there!! I hope you all know that!! I invite you this week to find three ways the Lord has blessed you and write them down so you don't forget!!

Happy Birthday to my cousin PAIGE this week!!! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

Me and my crazy companion LOVE HER!!
A gift from President Kohler
Cool statues


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