Sunday, June 25, 2017

When it's Raining Potentials and an Investigator Falls Out of the Sky

Hallo Freunde!!

Happy Father's Day everyone!!! 👨💻👔(because my dad works at a computer place)
Miracle Story of the Week!!!! 
Okay remember from last week how we went finding with our investigator and found 7 people that day (5 with her)? Well one of the people I had stopped, trying to just get out there, were two people from India who spoke English and were just here for a business trip or internship. I did a survey with them, asking them what they thought about God and the meaning of life (big questions, I know). They were super nice. They were willing to meet again before they went back to India, and so I got one of their numbers. On Wednesday I called him and for some reason he was speaking German to me.... I was really confused, but quickly switched into German and made an appointment. The time comes for the appointment, and I am still confused, so we plan to teach Lesson B if the guy I think it is comes and Lesson A if it is someone totally new. Well, he shows up to the center, and I have never met this man in my life!! We teach lesson A and we get to know him better. He has a different religious background, comes from Morocco, and he is living here because he married a German. Wait, what??? But he totally had interest!!! We were going through the Restoration and he randomly interrupts and asks if I know French. Uh, nein. BUT our investigator who had decided to stay is from France and explained Joseph Smith and defined ordinances in French to him!! We were able to give him a Book of Mormon in Arabic, a language he can understand better than German and we gave him a German one for his wife!! How weird is that?!?! I have no idea how we got this golden guy's number, but it was a miracle he found the center and that our investigator was there to help!!! I am so excited for him!! 
Besides having a great finding week!!! We had Zone Conference and it was President and Sister Kohler's last zone conference!! It was so fun to hear them speak and to hear their testimonies!!!  We are able to watch a slideshow of the Kohlers whole time here!! It was really fun! I will miss them, but am excited for the new ideas and testimony the Browns will bring!! President talked quite a bit about transition and it was so interesting to view the mission as an ever-going train, and we are blessed to be able to ride it for a little while!!! 
One of our investigators has a baptismal date for July!!! We are so excited for her!! Please pray for her. Her name is Jane!!
We went to Ludwigsburg and saw the castle. We were too cheap to go inside with the tour so we took pictures from the outside. Ha ha!!

I hope you are all straying strong and remember God loves you and is waiting for you to ask for His Help! Let Him walk with you or even carry you!!! The Gospel is true. Jesus Christ is perfect. Let Him perfect us!
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 😁
Alpenländische Mission
This is the Ludwigsburg castle we went to see today
A sandwich they call the New York, so I had to eat it,
The International Sisters came over for dinner on Sunday,
Dinner with the Internationals and our investigator after finding,
President and Sister Kohler--last picture with them as a missionary

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