Friday, July 7, 2017

Special Welcome to President and Sister Brown, Fresh from the Land of the Free! USA USA. I Am Proud to Be an American, Where at Least I Know I'm Free! USA

To all of my American Friends HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!! God bless America!!! USA

This week was a little interesting; one of our investigators was "cheating" on us, but with other missionaries. Ha ha!! We have no idea how it happened, but do you remember the miracle story from 2 weeks ago? Well that same investigator couldn't come to his appointment so he rescheduled for Tuesday, but then we called him to confirm the day of, and he rescheduled for Saturday. We were planning on meeting him at the Church at 4. Just before 4, the International Sisters say they have an appointment out on Königstrasse (King street) so they leave. Our guy doesn't show up. We call him, and he answers and guess who he is with?? The International Sisters. The poor guy is probably as confused as we are. We finally figured it out and we have another appointment for next Saturday!!  He is awesome, we are so excited!

Our Baptismal Date with Jane! We had an amazing lesson about tithing and fasting and then that evening a member invited us and her over for dinner!! It was so good for her to get to know other members better!!

We have a member who is home bound and therefore a less active, and we visit her every week to share a spiritual thought with her and this week she felt so good. We stayed twice as long as normal because she was so talkative! It was great to see her in a little less pain!!

We had Tausch!! Which means we did exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders and I stayed in Stuttgart. I learned a lot about being bold and detailed when explaining the Restoration!! It was a super fun Tausch. We got smoothies to celebrate our year marks together!! Wahoo!! 

Something that my Tausch companion and Sister H. mentioned this week was that when I mention the Gospel, I often talk about the peace that it brings to me. It is so true!! The one of the biggest blessings of the Gospel for me is the peace that it brings me!! That has been one of the best things of my mission, seeing people find peace in the Gospel!! I love that!! Through Jesus Christ we can find infinite peace!! What an amazing blessing that God has given us!!

Hope you all have a great week!!

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission




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