Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ich liebe Kaninchen!!!

So now that it is Easter time almost, the stores are rapidly coming out with bunny everything, especially chocolate bunnies!!! Chocolate bunnies are my favorite; it is like a little piece of home, so it makes me super happy!!! 

People have asked about what it is like here as far as food, culture etc. So I will try and get to that after I tell the Wunder der Woche! (Miracle of the Week)

This week we had a lesson with our investigator who has a Taufzeit! It is April 16th so please keep her and her daughter in your prayers!!! Often the time around the baptism is really hard because this is when the adversary is working the hardest!!! We invited the Bishop to be there and the lesson went really well, but the amazing part was after as we were walking back with the Bishop, we were discussing how this would work and if he thought it was possible, etc. We told him she was taking it seriously, and his reply was then the adversary is too. He looked at us as if we were the only force that could fight the adversary for her. His love and appreciation for the Gospel amazed me and filled me with confidence and hope, but also humility. As Sister Miller and I walked away, I felt as though a league of angels were walking behind us!! That is a day I never want to forget! 

Culture: Most people can speak English, and so signs and advertisements are a mixture of English and German or sometimes both! It makes life interesting! The culture and life here is very much like America. We meet people for appointments in the mall, we go finding along the river and in the tourist trap shops area (I don't know what you would call them but there are always a ton of people there) 

Public Transportation is HUGE, especially as missionaries. We are always using trains and busses! Although most people speak English, they are very appreciative that you are trying to speak their language, because I have also found while many people want to practice their English with you, many don't as they are uncomfortable speaking to a native English speaker in English. 

Food. For breakfast most mornings I have had Müsli, which is like cereal, but generally has oats and dried fruits or chocolate chunks or nuts, and you can eat it with yogurt or milk! Every transfer my diet changes because it depends on what my companion and I both like, but I love having fruit for breakfast, especially in vanilla yogurt!!! As far as other meals go, that changes all the time as well. Traditional food here includes potatoes, Döners, schnitzel, Raclette, Wurst, pretzels, and of course chocolate is very popular. I love Döners. They are a little rough on the stomach because they are so big and usually have spice, but sooo good!!! Schnitzel is chicken and Raclette is cheese you melt and pour over potatoes or vegetables!! Because everyone loves everyone else, you can find the German version of American, Chinese, and Mexican food here!!

The mountains are gorgeous, I can see them from our apartment window and whenever we are at the church or traveling. They are gorgeous with the snow still on the tops!! 

The weather has rapidly turned to spring and looks like it may stay that way. We haven't had snow since the beginning of February. The weather climate is pretty similar to New York as far as it’s humid and there are trees everywhere. It's so green. I love it!!! 

I hope you all have a great week and that you remember Jesus Christ is always there for us and wants us to talk to Him. 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

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