Monday, March 13, 2017

God is patient and He loves you!!

So this week was a party and so much happened!!! Diese Woche war Spannend!!

First things first – transfers!!! I will of course be staying her in Salzburg because Sister Miller is being "transferred" to America. She flies home on Thursday!!! Crazy!!! I will be getting the amazing Sister McClellan! She is from Mapleton, Utah!! You all will have to stay tuned for more information next week!

Tausch – Our tausch ended up being shorter than planned, but I was with Sister Church, which was way fun because her trainer was also companions with me (remember that emergency transfer?? We were the ones who switched places). So that was way fun! We went finding and did street ingredients and bussing and dooring!!!! So much fun!!! 

Sleepover – after stake conference we had six other Sisters in our apartment because our stake is so big!!! It was one big party!! Sister Miller made everyone a traditional dinner called Maltaschen from scratch! 

Pfahlkonferenz (stake conference – as members of the Church we have a geographical area we belong to where we attend church every Sunday. These areas are grouped into units called wards. Wards are grouped into stakes. Every stake meets twice a year together at a stake conference where talks are given, etc. It's a great time to sing, learn and worship together in a larger than normally possible group).

The President over all of Europe for our Church spoke at stake conference. His name is Elder Kearon. What he talked about is what I wanted to share with you!!!

God loves us and He is so so so very patient with us! Imagine how you feel when you look at your child (if you have one, or another family member). Imagine all of the love that you have for that child! You can't imagine ever loving anyone more and then you have another child and your love grows. I experienced this when my uncle started having kids.  I didn't know if I could love another person in my family but I did and then I did again! It's like magic!! That is how our Father in Heaven feels for each and every one of us!!! He loves us so much that He sent His Son to come and make an eternal sacrifice so that we can overcome our mistakes and return to Him. No matter where your goal is or whether or not you think you have "made it," there is still ways to grow and improve. They are patient with us, they want us to improve and endure. I know that we can, we just need faith, patience and humility. I promise you that as you seek to come closer to Christ, He will lift you and carry you. We can do it! We can improve, WE CAN DO IT!! Rely on the Lord and help each other, we are all in this together!!

I love you all, keep the faith, and stay strong!! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

(1-3) we went to see you castle today for P-Day with the Ehepaar
(4-6) the flower is apparently endangered and very well could be 500€
(7) a picture of Luna and me at Stake Conference
(8) when Europeans try to be American  
(9) sleepover  
(10) stake conference with Elder Kearon




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